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Autocomplete Location

xF1 Unmaintained Autocomplete Location 1.0.1

No permission to download
Compatible XF Versions
  1. 1.4
  2. 1.5
This add-ons makes it very easy for your members to state their location (city, state or country). Often the right location is already shown on the autocomplete list after the user entered only 3 to 4 letters.


If a user enters the name of a city, the autocomplete list adds the corresponding state and country after the city. So other users who may don't know the city, know at least the country (and maybe also the state).

The autocomplete list uses XenForo CSS. That means that the list will seamlessly integrate with your (custom) style as you can see on the above image. Also if you want to prevent nonsense locations such as „right behind you“, you can optionally force users to pick a location from the autocomplete list.

Another major feature of this add-on is that it can save (atomic) location data of the selected location in separate custom user fields. This atomic data is used by e.g. other add-ons such as Member Search and also to create shortened location names for the user info besides a post as you can see on the following image:


Note that state codes are only available for a limited number of countries. The state codes are derived from the corresponding ISO 3166-2 codes. These codes are included in the add-on as they cannot be accessed through the Geonames webservice.

About Geonames

Geonames is a free global geographical database that contains over 10 million place names. Geonames is over 10 years old and has become very popular. It is also used by „global players“ such as Microsoft, Nokia and Adidas. Besides the actual database there is also a web service that third-party products such as this add-on can use to easily access the location data. Please note that this add-on uses the free web service by default. The add-on's documentation contains a section that illustrates the differences between free and premium servers.

Location fields support

Currently this add-on supports the location field of the regular registration and the Personal Details page.
161.3 KB
First release
Last update

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