Nulled Scripts Community

Best Scripts Site In The World


[XenGenTr] Warning system Admin
Post alerts and announcements to the forum specific, subject and subject list.
[XD] Disable Get Likes Back AnimeHaxor
Disable get likes back for selected nodes and user groups.
Force to read a thread (STFRT2) AnimeHaxor
Force a user to read a thread before he can perform further actions in the forum.
Post Areas: Pro Performance AnimeHaxor
Improves performance for the „Post Areas“ add-on
This simple and at the same time, no one needed addition, does only three things:
XFT - Rich Admin Groups Title Sangoku
Modification to display the group style in the admin panel.
[NZMD] Hide System Sangoku
The content system hidden according to certain criteria.
[XFRM] CoAuthors Sangoku
Adds the ability to assign multiple authors for a resource.
[LGX] Anonymous Redirect Admin
When redirect to other site, hide where they're originally coming from.
[SVG] Footer linkList StaffBar Sangoku
Transferring the language and style selection links in the admin menu.
Grid layout for XFRM by Hemant
This addon allow you to get grid layout view in XFRM
[ITD] Page Scroll Progress Bar AnimeHaxor
A sleek progress bar to either the top or bottom of the page.
[ITD] Embedded Scribd Documents Mediasite BB Code AnimeHaxor
You can Embed all scribd documentsin to your board via Mediasite BB Code
[TH] Last Post Avatar AnimeHaxor
xF2 Add-on [TH] Last Post Avatar 1.0.1 Patch Level 1
Show the last poster avatars in thread and node lists
sonnb - Stop Spam Here - Bot detector API AnimeHaxor
Provides Botscout, FSpamlist and StopForumSpam API for the Stop Spam Here add-ons.

nohurunLatest member