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[AH] Discord Widget

xF2 Add-on [AH] Discord Widget 2.2.3

No permission to download
This release doesn't do much except a couple of things. The last release included some files I was testing on my development site by accident. This update removes them. I apologize about.

  • Changed the add-on file path from ahDiscordWidget to AH\DiscordWidget to keep in line with my other add-ons. You may delete ahDiscordWidget after updating.
  • Changed the add-on icon to Font Awesome 5.
This new release requires XenForo 2.1.x.
This update fixes an XSS vulnurability that allows the user to put HTML elements in their statuses which will display on your site. Any elements such as <div>, <img>, <script>, etc will be removed.

If you're using this add-on, please update at the earliest convenience.
This release only changes the way the javascript is handled on the page. You don't necessarily need to upgrade, but it is recommended.

Please follow the standard add-on upgrading procedure.

The license terms for this add-on has changed. If you run a commercially active XenForo installation, you must purchase a license to use this add-on. More information is available at the bottom of the overview page.
This release adds one new feature.
  • Option to position the join button in the title of the widget to help save vertical space.
Please follow the standard add-on upgrading procedure.​
This release adds a couple new features/changes
  • Added a new style property for the Join Server button. The .button class is already automatically applied so it looks like all your other buttons, but if you want to differentiate it from all the other buttons, this new style property is available.
  • Added a new "View Discord Widget" permission as requested by @Ignite.
  • Added a new template modification so the JS script is called at the bottom of the page.
  • Changed the height rule of the All Users List to max-height so that if you have very few users on, there won't be a significant amount of space after the last user. This was a misthought in the last release.
Please follow the standard add-on upgrading procedure.

gbaaghLatest member