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User account self-delete (UASD2)

xF2 Add-on User account self-delete (UASD2) 1.1.5

No permission to download
[fixed] Under certain circumstances no logout can be done by the add-on, instead an error is generated.
[fixed] Problems when deleting
[fixed] Template issue​
[fixed] Template issue
[fixed] mini Bug
[fixed] mini Bug
[info] XF2.1 compatibility
[fixed] Leave original username when deleting​
[add] Permission "Can self delete"
[add] Option: After requesting the deletion Logout takes place
[add] Option: After a new login, the cancellation of the deletion takes place
[add} Option: User group for pending deletions
[add] Option: Delete Account or disable
[add] Option to move a disabled account to another group
[add] E-Mails for: Account deletion -> scheduled, cancelled, completed
[add] Anonymization of User data

[fixed] Slow Member-List
[fixed] Many optimizations and minor bugs fixed

JeyfreenLatest member