Nulled Scripts Community

Best Scripts Site In The World


Change Title length (STCTL2) AnimeHaxor
Allows you to change the length of the thread title.
ITD BB Code Media Site Admin
Embed Audios, Videos, Books and Games from
Criteria Builder Admin
Import/export/write custom criteria for trophies, notices and user group promotion. NO LIMITS!
The latest update includes over +350 new email hosts!
[XD] Disable Right Click Admin
Content Copy Protection & No Right Click
[AH] Font Awesome AnimeHaxor
Add Font Awesome 5 icons to various areas.
ITD 4M Ribbon for Thread Starter Admin
Multi-Color Multi-Language Multi-Value Multi-Position Ribbob for Thread Starter
ITD 5M Multipurpose Button Admin
A Multicolor Multilanguage Multivalued Multilocation Multipurpose Button for your Board.
[OzzModz] First Post Edit Time Limit Admin
Allow users to edit the first post in their threads for a different time limit than other posts
[XD] Old Thread Notice AnimeHaxor
Add a notice to the thread if it is over than X days old.
[XD] Turkish Friendly URL AnimeHaxor
Change URL structure for Turkish characters.
[ITD] Custom Icon for Trophies II Admin
Include icons to your trophies instead of points

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