Nulled Scripts Community

Best Scripts Site In The World


Thread Reply Limit AnimeHaxor
Limits the number of replies allowed per thread.
Limit the number of threads that can be created in a node within a given time frame.
[TAC] Auth Captcha AnimeHaxor
Stop bots registering via FaceBook/Google/Twitter authorization
[TAC] Any Spam API AnimeHaxor
Use any anti-spam API you want on your forum
Set limit on number of threads and posts user can make in a predefined time configured per node
[HA] XFRM Resources Layout AnimeHaxor
Easily change the layout of Resources list in XFRM
Ban Thread AnimeHaxor
When a ban is issued, a new thread is automatically created for staff members.
Mobile Push Notifications for XenForo Admin
Close the gap between your forum and social media
Show Deleted AnimeHaxor
Show a list of soft deleted posts and threads and provides option to view or delete them.
Register Email AnimeHaxor
Sends an email to the admin after a new user registration sign up.
Advanced Search AnimeHaxor
Allows searching posts using exact text.
Delete Quoted Posts AnimeHaxor
Physically deletes all posts and threads that have a selected username quoted.
Thread Likes Move AnimeHaxor
Automatically moves threads from a source forum to a destination forum based on number of Likes.

marcelodangeloLatest member