Nulled Scripts Community

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from template PAGE_CONTAINER


<xf:copyright />
Yes but when i make this change i get this errors in my panel:


How i can fix that???
Yes but when i make this change i get this errors in my panel:


How i can fix that???
that error not from templates
reupload your xenforo ver and reinstall it
if i push original copyright src/XF.php don't have any error

you can remove it from template PAGE_CONTAINER
so dont change original copyright src/XF.php cause you will need reedit hash-calculator
but i don't want remove i want edit, how i can edit and don't get this error???
yes i push original copyright and use display none later i create my custom copyright and push in center of my footer
easy @FidelCastro go to extra.less and use :

.p-footer-copyright {
display: none;

and later go to PAGE_CONTAINER and search
<div class="p-footer-row-opposite">

Before that you can push your own copyright similar to that:

<div alight="center">
                        <a href="" class="u-concealed" dir="ltr" target="_blank">Smart Foro Black Hat <span class="copyright">&copy; 2018. Todos los derechos reservados</span></a>

Can anyone answer ?

I want edit copyright text from nulled to Forum software by XenForo™ © 2010-2018 XenForo Ltd.
If i do this in file xf.php, on line 735 it will start show error in administration.

I want copyright text i dont want disable him, i want only edit him.

I ask, how i disable this error message, i realy dont like it. Can anyone help, i can pay for that.

    return '<a href="" class="u-concealed" dir="ltr" target="_blank">Forum software by XenForo&trade; <span class="copyright">&copy; 2010-2018 XenForo Ltd.</span></a>';

return '<a href="" class="u-concealed" dir="ltr" target="_blank">Forum software by XenForo&trade; <span class="copyright">&copy; 2010-2018 XenForo Ltd.</span></a>';[/ICODE]

After make this edit i see everytime in administration this:

I try use tutorial from GasparLopez but i dont have code in center, same like original.
How i can fix it

chenbalandLatest member