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Dear Community!

I want to show you some tricks and good setup of your profile!

At the end of this tutorial, you should be able to set your signature, your profile picture/cover, your gender, informations about you, occupation, age, homepage, ... , change your password, change your eMail adress and many more... !

Table of content:
  1. Personal details
  2. Signature
  3. Change your password / eMail
  4. Contact details
So, scroll down and read the tutorial!

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The most important informations to setup in your profile are the personal details. You can set your occupation, gender and stuff.

Follow this path:

Main Forum -> Click at the top right: YourName -> Personal details

When you arrived there, you find this page:


Now, at the top you can change your current status messages. This messages can only contain 140 words (including spaces etc.). Like twitter ;) .

The avatar function allows you to set your profile picture that's shown in your posts etc. . Hit the image, choose an image from you computer. That's it.

Next, select your gender, if you want to.
If you want to show or hide it, select the corresponding options.

If you want to set your location, you might set it under "Location". Are you a member of staff. Enter your position there! You can write your real life occupation as well.
If you have a homepage, you might list it there. It's allowed and might help you, increasing your visitors.
We want to know you a bit. So you can enter some general information about you in "About You".

Please remember to hit "Save Changes" for every action you make!
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As a mail application provides a signature, this forum do provide that as well. The signature is shown under your threads/post and in your conversations.
To change it, go this path:

Click at the top right: YourName -> Signature

You'll see this page then:


You can write there whatever you want!

Please do not use function for inappropriate language or use. Any inappropriate use will be punished and deleted!

Social media is allowed!

Please remember to hit "Save Changes" for every action you make!
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If you want to change your password for some reason, you can do this here:

Click at the top right: YourName -> Password

You should see this page:


First, you have to enter your existing password to confirm that's really you who want to change the password. Next step, type in the new password and repeat it to check for spelling mistakes and to memorize it.

To change your eMail, follow this path:

Click at the top right: YourName -> Contact Details

This page should pop up:


Just change the email in the new email. To confirm the change, enter your password (if you changed it, enter the new one).

Hit "Save Change"
If you want to link your social media profiles to this website, you can do that under:

Click at the top right: YourName -> Contact details


Under "Identities" are the most common social media pages listed. Just type in the link to your profile page for each profile. (For example:

Please remember to hit "Save Changes" for every action you make!
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