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  1. Admin

    xF2 Add-on Featured resources 1.6

    Description: Displays a random featured resource in a widget. (Example of featured resources widget) (Example of Options page) (Example of User group permissions) Features: All phrases start with featuredresources_ for your convenience. Installation: Download...
  2. Admin

    xF2 Add-on Problem user email 1.8

    Description: Sends an email to a staff member when a problem user makes a new post. (Example email) (Example of Options page) Installation: Download and unzip it. Copy the src/addons/Andy/ProblemUserEmail directory to your server. From the Admin Control...
  3. Admin

    xF2 Add-on Show attachments by file size 1.3

    Description: Shows attachments by file size. This useful tool allows the admin to quickly see which posts have largest attachments (by file size). Clicking the post number will take you to the post so the admin can manage the attachment. For example the admin might like to convert large videos...
  4. Admin

    xF2 Add-on First post email 1.9

    Description: Sends email to staff when a member makes their first post. This add-on is useful for two reasons: Members are far more likely to become regular posters if they are replied to quickly to their first post. Verify the first post is not a spammer. (Example email) (Example of...
  5. Admin

    xF2 Add-on Quick search 5.4

    Description: Quickly find threads, conversations and resources. (Example of Quick search box on forum list) (Example of quick search results) (Example of Options page) (Example of User group permissions) Features: Quick search box located in the 'forum list' searches thread...
  6. Admin

    xF2 Add-on Convert image all 5.0

    Description: Converts all hot linked images to attachments. The Convert image all add-on will convert hot linked images in messages to attachments. Hot linked images are those images that have been inserted using the Image icon in the editor toolbar. (Example of hot linked image) (Example...
  7. Admin

    xF2 Add-on Email log 1.1.2

    Description: Logs emails that are sent from your forum. (Example of Email log link) (Example of Email log page) (Example of Options page) (Example of User group permissions) Requirements: This add-on requires the use of the default email transport method. User group...
  8. Admin

    xF2 Add-on Featured posts 2.3

    Description: Displays a random featured post from selected forums. The first post of the thread is selected at random and will be displayed in the forum list or other widget location. (Example of Featured posts) (Example of Options page) (Example of User group permissions)...
  9. Admin

    xF2 Add-on Google custom search 1.4

    Description: Replaces XenForo search with Google custom search. (Example of Google custom search) (Example of Google custom search results) How to use: Click the Search tab in the navigation bar. Installation: Download and unzip it. Copy the...
  10. Admin

    xF2 Add-on Member search 2.1

    Description: Search for members. Search up to six input fields: Username Location Website Custom user field 1 (Single-line text box) Custom user field 2 (Single-line text box) Custom user field 3 (Single-line text box) (Example of Member search link) (Example of member search page)...
  11. Admin

    xF2 Add-on Nofollow manager 1.5

    Description: Allows managing the nofollow tag. In order to prevent links from influencing search results and negatively impacting users, Google urges webmasters to use the rel="nofollow" on paid links. By default XenForo does not add the rel="nofollow" attribute to external links posted by...
  12. Admin

    xF2 Add-on Trader 3.1

    Description: Allows giving feedback on sellers and buyers. The Trader add-on is designed to work on forums that use threads and posts to describe items for sale. (Example of Trader history link in thread view) (Example of Trader history page) (Example of Selling history page)...
  13. Admin

    xF2 Add-on GPX viewer 2.2

    Description: Shows GPX attachments in a Google map. (Example of GPX viewer button) (Example of GPX viewer) (Example of Options page) Features: GPX viewer button automatically inserted into message. All phrases start with gpxviewer_ for your convenience. Setup: Get your Google...
  14. Admin

    xF2 Add-on Change date 2.8

    Description: Allows changing the date and time of a post. The purpose of this add-on is the allow the admin to move a post within a thread. For example if you want to move post #3 to be after post #5. (Example of Change date link) (Example of Change date overlay) (Example of Options...

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