* Fixes of packages class not found issue.
* SmartForm loading issue
Update Plugins:
* SmartForm
+ Lifetime sold amount calculation for vendors.
+ Product page shows alternative products
+ Credit Back feature at Wallet plugin
+ Dynamic Translation Feature
= The pickup option UX Improved
= Farther query optimised to improve loading time
= Cached some states to improve loading on dashboard
* Fixed issue for creating variants for already existing listing in stock
* Price slider issue fixed where price slider couldn’t be unselected.
* Product page total calculation amount error fixed when wholesale is active and price is calculated with dynamic currency.
* Listing sku’s issue fixed where clicking on sku’s of listings with multiple sku’s returned error instead of listing details.
* Fixed order placement SQL error for digital products ordering.
* Fixed cart page error for not showing unit and total price in dynamic currency.
* Product filter issue on attributes
* Refund modal display issue fixed.
* Checkout issue for shops with new warehouse that has incomplete address is fixed.
* Fixed missing dashboard navigation option in customer dashboard.
* The search option in Support desk messages is fixed.
New Plugin:
+ Smart Forms
+ Buyer Groups
+ Affiliate
Updated Plugin:
+ Wallet
+ Pharmacy
+ Wholesale
+ Eventy
+ Now vendors can add attribute values to any attribute
+ Now you can upload .webp images directly on dropzone
* HTML tag issue on customer message inbox
* Special character issue on state names
* Contact seller button issue on the shop page
* Price range issue on the auction page
= Pickup orders can be fulfilled directly from the order list table
= Reducing some homepage contents to boost loading
= Added 'COLLECT_VISITOR_DATA=false' in env to boost performance, google analytic can be used for similar reports
= Utilised Caching system in a more effective way to boost performance
= After 1st load the query reduced from 106 to just 6 on the homepage loading time
= Improved loading speed by 50-60%
= Improved sitemap.xml generator
= Improved cookie consent UI
= Cookie consent is now for storefront users only
+ Bulk order processing
+ Admin can bulk deposit money to the customer's wallet from the admin dashboard.
+ Provide your customers with live shipping rate and time estimations
= No need to configure the wallet plugin at code level
= No need to configure the inspector plugin at the code level
* Fixed issue where digital products didn't show when catalog mode was off
* Fixed dynamic currency issue in generated coupon
* Fixed shipping rate button not being clickable in mobile view
* Appearance of additional 'c' in group and subgroup in Nova theme fixed
* Fixed dynamic currency change issue on some pages
* Top banner delete option added. (Turns off top banner)
* Fixed default theme mobile-mega-menu scroll issue
Updated Plugin:
Wallet (version-1.5.1)
New Released Plugin:
+ Shippo Shipping
+ Auction
+ Dynamic currency API added
* Cart page currency error fixed
* Added currency_id to the orders table to handle dynamic currencies
* Theme license issue
* Refund initiate issues
= Default theme box container layout
= Improved the loading time
= Dynamic Currency 1.1.0
+ Pay to feature added
+ Rewritten the front-end code for better UI/UX
+ Now you can easily change the theme color pallets
+ 3 column banner added
+ Product thumbnail animation (can be on/off)
+ Categories added to the sitemap.xml file to scrawl
* Customer message section error
* The shop page active listing show issue fix
* Demo import issue
* Product edit issue when a vendor can use own catalog only
* User role privileges vulnerability issue
* A few XSS vulnerability issues
* Product images don’t show the issue fix on the customer dashboard order details page
= Default theme container size increased
= Improved the image-loading experience
= Slider image height changes to 1440x350px
= Product image now can have max 1000 KB sized
! Wallet Plugin Update(1.4.6)
! Ajax Search Autocomplete Plugin Update(1.0.3)
! Eventy updated
! Trending Search updated
+ Home page shows featured vendor
+ Sold quantity is shown on the product details page
+ Inventory store with and without variant API created
+ Flash deal added to product details page if has any offer
+ Admin can now reset license right from admin panel
+ Trending Search Keyword API added
+ Announcement API added
+ Search filter added on API
+ Frontend admin top nav bar added like WordPress
* Forgot password success notification show
* Admin order cart show issue fix
* Inactive inventories view issue
* Wallet invoice logo issue fix
* Responsive issue on mobile view of merchant panel
* Contact form and message reply mail send issue fix
* HTML tag issue on message top dropdown on admin panel
* Overflow of the category items in the mobile version issue fix
* Brand and Vendor list pagination issue on the Safari browser
* Order update status mail link issue fix
* Hide main menu item mobile issue fix
* Application credential for API doesn't show on generate form if cleared the files cache issue fix
* Out-of-stock items after attribute selection on the product page
* Attribute combination mismatch issue fix for API
* Add to cart button click event disabled issue fix when product out of stock
* Checkout page address title validation fixed set to minimum 2 words
* Remove extra hash from the mail template
= Recently viewed items shown according to the descending
= Improve middleware code for Users Verify
= Multiple announcements on the website
= Showing senders name and email address in the message inbox section
= Scout search import improved
= 'noopener' attribute added to all tags to protect from fishing vulnerability
= Cart content feature moved to session from IP
= Action buttons UX improvement on product thumbnails
Update Plugins:
! Announcement plugin update(v-2.0.0) released
! Eventy plugin update(v-1.0.1) released
! Flutterwave plugin update(v-1.1.1) released
! Wallet plugin update(v-1.4.4) released
! Ajax Search Autocomplete plugin update(v-1.0.1) released
! Google Analytics plugin update(v-1.0.1) released
= Google Analytics 4 (GA4) ready
* Paypal checkout when vendor get paid issue fix
* Paypal code mismatch api issue fix
+ Seller app APIs added
+ Product attributes hover now highlights all available items
+ Attributes like color sizes are now searchable
+ Admin can set rules for out-of-stock items.
+ Option to show/hide technical specifications on the product page
+ Show/Hide items from the main navigation menu
+ Show categories in the main navigation menu
+ OTP login from vendor and customer (Addon)
+ Slug is editable on products and manufacturers
+ Minimum 3 characters restriction for search
* Pagination button access issues on mac OS
* Order cancellation issue in limited-time feature
* Shop order issue fix on the backend site
* Model name string issue fixed for logo and icon
* Stripe card update issue fixed
* Fixed vendor landing page logo issue
* Trending category load issue fixed
* Order status issue when created from the admin panel
* Vendor avatar image show issue fixed
* Disabled submit button issue on the inventory form
* Canceled items quality adjustment issues for a partially canceled order
= Email validation add on customer profile
= Address zip_code now allows non-numeric data
= Category loading time optimized on the admin side
= Card view on the billing page
= Login and registration form
= Admin sidebar level changes 'general settings' to 'shop settings'
New Plugins:
+ OTP login
+ Comparison
+ MPesa Payment
* Deleted user ticket issue solve
* Merchant catalog product add issues solve
* Wallet approve issue fixed
* Account, wishlist, cart icon show on mobile
*Paypal Marketplace Checkout issue fixed
*Paystack checkout issue solved on the API
*Order permanent delete issue fixed
*Stripe create config issue fixed
*Customer avatar issue fixed