[XFA] Trophies Enhancement (categories, icons, more to come...) - XF2

xF2 Add-on [XFA] Trophies Enhancement (categories, icons, more to come...) - XF2 2.2.1

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Corrected bugs:
  • Server icons selection not displaying images properly if using a CDN
Corrected bugs:
  • Error: Undefined constant "XFA\TrophiesEnhancement\Pub\Controller\__CLASS__s" src/addons/XFA/TrophiesEnhancement/Pub/Controller/Trophies.php:22
  • Missing trophy view page
Corrected bugs:
  • Error: Call to undefined method XFA\TrophiesEnhancement\Install\Install::rnStep1() in src/addons/XFA/TrophiesEnhancement/Setup.php at line 27
  • Missing phrase xfa_te_max_level_reached
  • Template admin:widget_def_options_xfa_te_level_progress: [E_USER_WARNING] Template admin:widget_def_options_xfa_te_level_progress is unknown (src/XF/Template/Templater.php:664)
Corrected bugs:
  • ErrorException: Fatal Error: Access level to SV\UserEssentials\XF\Pub\Controller\Account: PreferencesSaveProcess() must be public (as in class XFA\TrophiesEnhancement\XF\Pub\Controller\Account) src/addons/SV/UserEssentials/XF/Pub/Controller/Account.php:101
  • Icons not displaying in postbit bottom userinfo with UI.X style
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