[XFA] RM Marketplace

xF1 Add-on [XFA] RM Marketplace 3.9.0

No permission to download
Compatible XF Versions
  1. 1.4
  2. 1.5
RM Makertplace allows you and/or your users to sell resources from the resource manager, like in a marketplace !

Supports three types of products :
  • Digital products (license based):
    • with or without license renewal
    • with or without licence restrictions
    • with or without url required to download
  • Physical products
  • Service offers
Through the Resource Categories configuration system, the administrator select which categories are intended for the sale of resources and the type of products that can be put for sale among the ones here above.
Each of these categories can be set to either:
  • use the paypal address set in the admincp through options;
  • use the paypal address set for that category;
  • let each user input their own paypal address to sell their resources.
When adding a resource to these categories, your users can then select wether or not they want to sell it or not.

Along with the capability to sell resources, RM Marketplace is also a real source of monetization for you, and that thanks to two features:
  • You can require a percentage on sales, automatically retrieved upon payment.
  • You can provide users with the capability to pay to have their resource featured on the resource manager index and categories pages.
General features
  • Outstanding marketplace or shop
  • Grid view option for cleaner product display [NEW 3.4.0]
    • Based on image uploaded by the seller
    • Configurable globally or per category
  • New pages for buyers (with filtering): Your Purchases / Your Licences
  • Seller Dashboard: a specific tabbed area for sellers to monitor and manage sales [NEW 3.4.0]
    • My Products
    • Terms and conditions (specific page to specify global Terms and conditions)
    • View Sales
    • Manage licenses (specific to digital products)
  • New Tab on resources main page "Top Purchased"
  • Global Usergroup permissions
    • Is a Seller
    • Can View All Sales
    • Can Manage All Licenses
  • Category based permissions
    • Can sell in Marketplace
    • Can buy resource featuring
    • Can download without buying
    • Can view all purchases log
  • 3 category based configurations for purchases:
    • Let user ask for purchases on a per resource basis (user choice)
    • Use category wide purchases (Admin choice)
    • Use forum wide purchases (Admin choice)
  • Category based allowed products configuration : select which products can be put for sale in each category
  • Supported currencies: Based on Resources Manager currencies configuration
  • Users can download the resource directly after purchase
  • Payment methods : Paypal, more to come…
  • Purchase number in membercard and profile page
  • More informations on product in sidebar (Resources Manager)
  • Licence URL (mandatory or not depending on the choice of the seller, can be edited by the seller)
  • Shipment informations for physical product (the status can be edited by the seller)
  • Manage Licence
    • Activate / deactivate the licence
    • Expiration date
    • Site url (enter the domain where the product will be installed)
  • Mails sent upon purchases or refund to the buyer, as well as in case of license status change
  • Alert sent upon purchases or refund to the seller
  • Percentage on sales, selectable by category: admin gets a commission on sales
  • Terms and Conditions: require acceptance of the terms and conditions to buy
  • Purchase button replaced by "Register now and purchase" for non logged-in users
  • Top Purchases Sidebar block on resource index and in categories

Physical Product specificities:
  • Payment info (Paypal address)
  • Currency
  • Price
  • Quantity
  • Terms and Conditions (with WYSIWYG editor)
  • Stock quantity management
    • Quantity configured on add/edit
    • Option to select wether product shall continue to be sold when running out of stock
    • Alert sent to seller when product runs out of stock
Digital Product specificities
  • Payment info (Paypal address)
  • Licence duration (Day/month/year)
  • Currency
  • Price
  • Renewal price
  • Renewal delay
  • Restriction (Yes = single copy / No = multiple copies)
  • Require url (requires the buyer to set a domain to download the product)
  • Terms and Conditions (with WYSIWYG editor)
Service offer specificities
  • Payment info (Paypal address)
  • Currency
  • Price
  • Terms and Conditions (with WYSIWYG editor)
Resource featuring features
  • Available durations created through dedicated page in admincp with:
    • Duration in days, weeks, months or years
    • Amount
  • Purchase of featuring by user on resource page
  • Featuring purchases log on dedicated page in admincp
ACP Options
  • Mode test for paypal
  • Signature authentication
  • Percentage on sales (for admin)
  • Paypal address
  • Purchases / Licences per page
  • Move to usergroup on purchase (after purchase, the buyer will be moved to this usergroup)
  • Resource featuring currency
  • Resource featuring moderation
  • Number of elements in Most Sold resources block
  • Add license.png
    Add license.png
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First release
Last update

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Latest updates

  1. Bug fixes and new features

    Corrected bugs: ErrorException: Undefined variable: errorPhraseKey -...
  2. Fixed archive

    XML version was wrong in file.

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