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[XFA] Custom Username Icons - XF2

xF2 Add-on [XFA] Custom Username Icons - XF2 5.1.1

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Corrected bugs:
  • Incorrect build led to missing javascript files

This version is only compatible with XF2.3.
Corrected bugs:
  • InvalidArgumentException: Macro public:conversation_list_macros :: item() error: Column 'message_id' is unknown src/XF/Mvc/Entity/Entity.php:607
Checked compatibility with latest xF version
We have released an upgrade of our Core add-on which provides support for Font Awesome icons up to FA 5.10.1 (more than hundred of new icons supported).
This version is only compatible with XenForo 2.2

Corrected bugs:
  • Provided compatibility with xF2.2
Corrected bugs:

  • ErrorException: Template error: Illegal string offset 'icon' internal_data/code_cache/templates/l1/s0/admin/xfa_cui_user_group_edit_banner.php:78

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