XenForo Resource Manager 2.2.5 is now available for all licensed customers to download. We strongly recommend that all customers running previous versions of XenForo Resource Manager 2.2 upgrade to this release to benefit from increased stability.
One-click upgrade to XenForo Resource Manager 2.2.5
Directly from your admin control panel
If you are a XenForo Cloud customer, your upgrade will be scheduled automatically.
Some of the changes in XFRM 2.2.5 include:
- Reduce query usage when listing a resource's updates
- Fix float overflow in resource bodies
- Forbid resource downloads to be embedded as images
- Provide an additional warning when changing a forum's type if it is assigned to a resource category.
The following public templates have had changes:
Where necessary, the merge system within the "outdated templates" page should be used to integrate these changes.
- inline_mod_resource_move
- xfrm.less
XenForo Resource Manager requires XenForo 2.2 or later.
XenForo Resource Manager can be purchased with a new license via the purchase page or with an existing license via the customer area.
Installation, upgrading and configuration
Please see our XenForo Resource Manager manual page for more information.
enForo Resource Manager 2.2.4 is now available for all licensed customers to download. We strongly recommend that all customers running previous versions of XenForo Resource Manager 2.2 upgrade to this release to benefit from increased stability.
One-click upgrade to XenForo Resource Manager 2.2.4
Directly from your admin control panel
If you are a XenForo Cloud customer, your upgrade will be scheduled automatically.
Some of the changes in XFRM 2.2.4 include:
- Allow resource creators to watch their own resources when resource teams are enabled
- Allow reassigning a resource to users who may not have permission to view it
- Fix placeholder values being incorrectly escaped
The following public templates have had changes:
Where necessary, the merge system within the "outdated templates" page should be used to integrate these changes.
- xfrm_resource_edit_macros
XenForo Resource Manager requires XenForo 2.2 or later.
XenForo Resource Manager can be purchased with a new license via the purchase page or with an existing license via the customer area.
Installation, upgrading and configuration
Please see our XenForo Resource Manager manual page for more information.
One-click upgrade to XenForo Resource Manager 2.2.3
Directly from your admin control panel
Some of the changes in XFRM 2.2.3 include:
- When reassigning a resource, remove the new owner from the resource team members.
- Add a "resource versions" phrase that can be used.
- Fix an issue when importing guest resources from another XFRM instance.
The following public templates have had changes:
Where necessary, the merge system within the "outdated templates" page should be used to integrate these changes.
- search_form_resource
- xfrm_resource_edit_icon
- xfrm_resource_edit_macros
XenForo Resource Manager 2.2.2 is now available for all licensed customers to download. We strongly recommend that all customers running previous versions of XenForo Resource Manager 2.2 upgrade to this release to benefit from increased stability.
One-click upgrade to XenForo Resource Manager 2.2.2
Directly from your admin control panel
Some of the changes in XFRM 2.2.2 include:
- When a resource is deleted or moderated, show the generic resource not found error text.
- Ensure that phrases are escaped when used in the context of HTML attributes.
- When a pre-registration action is completed, only include the welcome for newly registered users.
The following public templates have had changes:
Where necessary, the merge system within the "outdated templates" page should be used to integrate these changes.
- alert_resource_rating_pre_reg
- push_resource_rating_pre_reg
- xfrm_category_list_macros
- xfrm_resource_list_macros
- xfrm_resource_view
XenForo Resource Manager requires XenForo 2.2 or later.
XenForo Resource Manager can be purchased with a new license via the purchase page or with an existing license via the customer area.
Installation, upgrading and configuration
Please see our XenForo Resource Manager manual page for more information.
XenForo Resource Manager 2.2.1 Released
XenForo Resource Manager 2.2.1 is now available for all licensed customers to download. We strongly recommend that all customers running previous versions of XenForo Resource Manager 2.2 upgrade to this release to benefit from increased stability.
One-click upgrade to XenForo Resource Manager 2.2.1
Directly from your admin control panel
Some of the changes in XFRM 2.2.1 include:
XenForo Resource Manager requires XenForo 2.2 or later.
- Automatic resource discussion posts made by resource team members should be attributed to the resource owner (like other actions).
- Only allow discussion forums to be set as resource thread forums
XenForo Resource Manager can be purchased with a new license via the purchase page or with an existing license via the customer area.
Installation, upgrading and configuration
Please see our XenForo Resource Manager manual page for more information.
XenForo Resource Manager (XFRM) 2.2 sees a range of new features and improvements. Some of these are a result of new integrations with XenForo 2.2 itself, while others are exclusive new features to XFRM itself.
Resource teams
Software projects are often collaborative efforts, and even when they are not, there may be ancillary staff on hand to handle customer support and sales.
This fact is recognised in XFRM 2.2 with the advent of Resource teams.
After enabling the option through the admin control panel, resource owners will be able to delegate tasks to members of the team they define.
Team members may perform any action on a resource as though they were the owner, although deletion of the resource is reserved solely for the actual owner.
Review custom fields
With XFRM 2.2, it is now possible to define custom fields for resource reviews.
The sky's the limit for the data that can now be collected with reviews, so we are certain that there will be all manner of ingenuous uses for this new system.
The full gamut of custom field features, including the new XF 2.2 ability to define the HTML for the label of the field, is now available to resource review fields.
Review voting
It can often be helpful to see whether reviews are considered to be helpful or otherwise worthwhile when considering a purchase or a download.
Therefore, XFRM 2.2 now takes advantage of our new content voting system to enable review up/down voting.
As you would expect, the ability to vote on a review depends upon not having a vested interest in the review (ie: it is a review of your own resource) and a set of options and permissions that can be tailored to your own needs.
Review before registering
To attract new users to your forum, reviews can now be submitted by guest users, using the writing before registering system, assuming that your forum permits reviews prior to downloads.
Featured resources
A new widget is available in XFRM 2.2, which allows a selection of featured resources to be displayed in a location of your choice.
Configuration includes three separate display options to fit with the location in which the widget is deployed.
This widget is using the simple display option:
While this one is using the carousel option:
Some of the changes in XFRM 2.1.6 include:
- Remove duplicated permission check when checking viewing permissions for resources.
- Fixed an issue preventing reviews made by deleted members from being deleted.
- Update Add-on list FAQ link for the add-on to the correct version of the manual.
Some of the changes in XFRM 2.1.5 include:
Some of the changes in XFRM 2.1.4 include:
- Prevent an error when API result data is being prepared for resource items.
- Remove duplicative extra info from displaying when a resource item is deleted.
The following public templates have had changes:
- xfrm_resource_list_macros
Some of the changes in XFRM 2.1.3 include:
- Prevent double escaping of resource prefixes in resource reports.
- Change visibility of overridden canBookmarkContent methods to match parent
- Prevent changing resource types if less than two valid resource types are available.
- When editing a resource, only attempt to validate and save tags if the tags have been edited.
- Automatically mark resource update alerts read correctly when viewing a resource.
The following public templates have had changes:
- xfrm_resource_wrapper_macros