XenForo Media Gallery 2.2.2 is now available for all licensed customers to download. We strongly recommend that all customers running previous versions of XenForo Media Gallery 2.2 upgrade to this release to benefit from increased stability.
One-click upgrade to XenForo Media Gallery 2.2.2
Directly from your admin control panel
Some of the changes in XFMG 2.2.2 include:
- Fix an issue where media items imported from IPS Gallery did not retain the correct creation date.
- Ensure reacting to comments in the lightbox sidebar updates the reaction list.
- In rare cases where a media item is referencing an "original" version of an image that no longer exists, allow thumbnail rebuilds to fall back to the non-original (potentially watermarked) image.
- When adding media items to an already deleted album, do not increase the user's media count.
- Prevent users from accessing the embed media page without a context
- Add cache-buster to media item lightbox URLs
- Allow moderators who have "move any" permission to move media items into restricted albums
- Send watch alerts when approving comments
- When mirroring attachments to the media gallery automatically mark the media as viewed and, where applicable, automatically watch the media item.
- Ensure that phrases are escaped when used in the context of HTML attributes.
- When a pre-registration action is completed, only include the welcome for newly registered users.
The following public templates have had changes:
Where necessary, the merge system within the "outdated templates" page should be used to integrate these changes.
- alert_xfmg_comment_pre_reg
- push_xfmg_comment_pre_reg
- report_content_xfmg_album
- report_content_xfmg_media
- xfmg_album_add
- xfmg_album_create
- xfmg_album_view
- xfmg_category_add
- xfmg_category_list_macros
- xfmg_comment_macros
- xfmg_media_add_macros
- xfmg_media_embed_media
- xfmg_media_lightbox_sidebar
- xfmg_media_view
XenForo Media Gallery requires XenForo 2.2 or later.
XenForo Media Gallery can be purchased with a new license via the purchase page or with an existing license via the customer area.
Installation, upgrading and configuration
Please see our XenForo Media Gallery manual page for more information.
XenForo Media Gallery 2.2.1 Released
XenForo Media Gallery 2.2.1 is now available for all licensed customers to download. We strongly recommend that all customers running previous versions of XenForo Media Gallery 2.2 upgrade to this release to benefit from increased stability.
One-click upgrade to XenForo Media Gallery 2.2.1
Directly from your admin control panel
Some of the changes in XFMG 2.2.1 include:
- Allow batch media and album actions to be cancelled
- Ensure the date limit disabler is displayed even when media lists are filtered.
- Ensure personal album privacy can be adjusted on album creation.
- When displaying a list of media ordered by date, in some cases it is useful to MySQL to force a particular index hint in order to improve performance.
- Attempt to simplify the ExposureTime value down to a clearer value.
- When inserting EXIF data from mirrored attachments, avoid JSON encoding errors with malformed characters.
- Avoid a race condition when loading lightbox sidebar for media items and closing the lightbox before the sidebar has finished loading.
- If a user has no permission to view comments, only hide comments from the lightbox sidebar and not other elements, such as image metadata.
- Ensure "show more" item in embedded albums has an appropriate default width/height.
- Improves the appearance of embedded gallery audio media items
- When importing from vBGallery, check for duplicate ratings on the target database rather than the source database
- Only display visible and unignored media comments in the latest comments widget
- When unwatermarking images if the original data path cannot be found, remove the watermark flag. Also fallback to the non-original image in some cases in the unlikely event that the original image cannot be found.
The following public templates have had changes:
Where necessary, the merge system within the "outdated templates" page should be used to integrate these changes.
- xfmg_category_container
- xfmg_category_view
- xfmg_gallery_bb_code.less
- xfmg_media_index
- xfmg_media_lightbox_sidebar
- xfmg_media_view.less
- xfmg_media_view_macros
XenForo Media Gallery requires XenForo 2.2 or later.
XenForo Media Gallery can be purchased with a new license via the purchase page or with an existing license via the customer area.
Installation, upgrading and configuration
Please see our XenForo Media Gallery manual page for more information.
XenForo Media Gallery (XFMG) 2.2 sees a range of new features and improvements. Some of these are a result of new integrations with XenForo 2.2 itself, while others are exclusive new features to XFMG itself.
Lightbox navigation
Starting with XenForo 2.2 we are introducing a brand new lightbox which as well as being a much improved user experience also affords us some flexibility in how and where we use the lightbox.
One such use case which we couldn't resist treating you to for XFMG 2.2 is of course navigating through media items in the media gallery. Before we get into it, this is what the experience looks like.
The lightbox as used in the media gallery supports all media types including media embeds, video and audio.
By default the lightbox opens up a very useful sidebar which displays most of the information and functionality that you get if you go to the full media page. If you prefer not to view that information then you can collapse the sidebar. Sections within the sidebar can be expanded and collapsed as required and we remember your preferences here so only the relevant sections are displayed.
The lightbox will initially only contain the items from the current page but, as you can see in the video, you can continue navigating beyond the page you're on and we will load additional items from the subsequent page dynamically.
If you need to view the full media details and access the full functionality you just need to click the "New window" icon in the lightbox toolbar or click the caption of the image.
You can navigate through any media list in this way be that the list of media in an album or category, all media in the New media page or the entire media gallery via the media index.
We think this is an awesome way to navigate through the media gallery but if you prefer to keep things as they are (we won't be offended!) then you can disable it:
We should also take this opportunity to note that all of the lightbox functionality you see here is a general concept baked into the core lightbox itself so should any add-on developers which to add a similar navigation or sidebar concept to their existing lightbox implementations then this should be fairly trivial to do.
Attachment mirroring
For a very long time you have been telling us that you would like to have a slightly closer relationship between attachments in threads and posts and the media gallery, and the new "Attachment mirroring" system in XFMG 2.2 aims to somewhat bridge that gap. It starts with a forum-level or media category-level configuration:
While viewing a media category you can pick which forums attachments are mirrored from...
... and while viewing a forum you can pick which media category attachments are mirrored to.
Once you have specified which media category your forum should mirror attachments to, any attachments which are added to posts in that forum will be automatically created as media items in the specified gallery.
As an example, here is a post containing an image I have attached inside the "Travel and nature" forum:
And here it is now displayed in the media gallery:
As you can see here we make display a clear reference to the fact that the media item originated from a particular thread with the "Originally posted in: Thread 'Travel photos'" line. Thins links and takes you straight back to the post where the attachment was originally posted.
While viewing the thread, we also make clear that the attachment has been also posted over in the media gallery too. Of course images open up in the lightbox and when you do so, the media information opens up in the sidebar with an additional link that links back to the full media gallery view if needed:
But what about all of those existing threads with great images you might want to bring over to the media gallery? We've added a rebuild which will take care of that for you:
This allows you to have old items that were not yet mirrored synced into the media gallery, plus it will move or remove items from the media gallery as applicable if you disable mirroring or change the target category.
But wait... there's more!
In addition to these great features we have also added (or in the process of adding) support for the following previously announced XF 2.2 features including:
- Custom field output control support for media fields
- Activity summary support for latest albums, latest media and latest comments
- Writing before registering support for comments
Some of the changes in XFMG 2.1.8 include:
- When there is no permission to view media, ensure the custom BB code gallery button is removed appropriately.
- Fix incorrect conversion of some xengallery/ route filters when upgrading from XFMG 1.x.
- Update Add-on list FAQ link for the add-on to the correct version of the manual.
Some of the changes in XFMG 2.1.7 include:
- Prevent retaining IDs in a few gallery importers related to additional albums the importer creates for organizational purposes.
- Prevent undefined index errors when importing gallery comments from IPS Gallery.
- Improve performance of comments widget by constraining the query to only recent comments and set a hint toward the comment_date index.
- Prevent the audio timestamp from being hidden when displaying audio media via the [GALLERY] BB code.
The following public templates have had changes:
- xfmg_gallery_bb_code.less
Some of the changes in XFMG 2.1.6 include:
- Avoid errors when watermarking images and other media item tasks when the attachment data is missing.
- Prevent an error arising from missing attachment data when generating album thumbnails.
- Add some missing canonical tags and nofollow film-strip jump links.
- Fix incorrect route context for media/comments route.
The following public templates have had changes:
- xfmg_album_index
- xfmg_category_view
- xfmg_media_index
- xfmg_media_view_macros
Some of the changes in XFMG 2.1.5 include:
- When importing albums and pictures from vB Albums ensure that we do not double encode HTML entities and we strip BB code.
- Prevent a template warning from displaying when viewing the news feed which contains a rating feed item for a deleted media/album.
- Allow embedded media blocks to be aligned according to their parent container alignment (allow them to be centered or right aligned).
- Add missing route for the editor gallery browser which meant that pagination wasn't working as expected for browsing albums.
- Fix and change format of the exposure time EXIF data displayed on photos.
- Add a link to "Moderator actions" when viewing a media item or an album.
The following public templates have had changes:
- xfmg_album_view
- xfmg_gallery_bb_code.less
- xfmg_media_view
Some of the changes in XFMG 2.1.4 include:
- Pass in a default username for the author name if the username is empty.
- Update gallery embed data retriever to use the same Metadata fetcher system as XF unfurling.
- When the media attachment handler is getting the attachment's container, ensure it eagerly fetches permissions and other relevant data to avoid additional queries later.
- Allow users to manage their own media/albums using inline moderation anywhere.
- Reimplement the ability to edit a media title and change the embed URL.
The following public templates have had changes:
- xfmg_media_edit
Some of the changes in XFMG 2.1.3 include:
- Use the storecat value when building the original source file location where appropriate.
- Change visibility of overridden canBookmarkContent method to match parent
- Remove misleading text from album creation page.
- Add some missing moderator log phrases and ensure entries logged when category changes occur.
- Implement RSS feeds of lists of media items for media index, category index and album index, similar to XFMG 1.x. RSS feed can be accessed by adding index.rss to the end of an existing URL.
- Use correct icon for custom thumbnail placeholder.
- Display the correct "noThumb" icon for media embeds.
- When displaying the transparent "noThumb" image, generate one which is the same dimensions as generated thumbnails if the thumbnail is non-square.
- Adjust size of delete button when editing an image note and workaround a sizing issue for the note field in Firefox.
- When an album is inside a category, check the visibility permissions (deleted/moderated etc.) first before category permissions.
- Fix incorrectly labelled "Manage any tags" permission.
The following public templates have had changes:
- core_xfmg.less
- xfmg_media_add_macros
- xfmg_media_note_edit
Some of the changes in XFMG 2.1.2 include:
- Fix MySQL query error when importing ratings from IPS Gallery.
- When generating album thumbnails or setting an image as an avatar, prevent an unexpected error if an image cannot be edited.
- Prevent error when rebuilding media item ratings due to a conflicting class alias.
- When importing media items, clean up temp files at the end of the current run.
- Prefer the DateTimeOriginal value from EXIF data for the "Date taken" value.
- Implement onAttachmentDelete method for the media item attachment handler - if an attachment is deleted, the media item will be too.
- Remove extraneous padding from image editor buttons.
The following public templates have had changes:
- xfmg_media_edit_image