- Compatible XF Versions
- 2.2
- Additional Requirements
- Browser Detection v2.3.0+ by Xon
Introducing the premier profile music add-on for XenForo 2, bringing your profile to life!
My journey with XenForo is as long-standing as the platform itself. Over time, I've seen many requests for a profile music addon for XenForo 2. Now, with XenCustomize, I've put in my best effort to offer a solution. Hoping the XenForo community values this sincere effort.

Complete features list:
- Profile audio player appears on user profiles when they start adding audios to their playlist.
- Admin option to Enable or Disable "Profile Audio Player" (Enabled by default).
- Admin option to Enable or disable "Manage Your Playlist" in Account visitor menu.
- Admin option to Enable or disable "Manage Your Playlist" in Account navigation group. [NEW in v1.0.1]
- Admin option to Enable or Disable "Autoplay" of audio tracks site-wide when profiles load.
- Admin option to choose Player position (Profile Sidebar by default).
- Profile Sidebar (Right sidebar on profile).
- Profile Sidenav (Left sidenav on profile).
- Profile Audio Player section above "Settings" section in Account wrapper.
- Manage your playlist page (forum.com/account/manage-your-playlist).
- Support up to 10 audio tracks. [NEW in v1.0.1]
- Introduced the ability for users to directly upload audio files. [NEW in v1.0.2]
- Accepted audio file extentions are: mp3, wav, aac, flac, m4a, ogg, oga, amb, m4r, and opus.
- Each audio has five input fields for users:
- Audio (Upload audio or provide a link)
- Artist name
- Audio/song title
- Album name
- Album art (upload image)
- Enable "Manage Your Playlist" page link in account visitor menu.
- Enable "Manage Your Playlist" page link in account navigation group, next to the Inbox and Alert buttons. [NEW in v1.0.1]
- Own database table to store User audio data: Audio url, Artist, Audio title, Album and Album art URL.
- Stylish and customizable Audio Player based on HTML5, CSS3 and jQuery.
- Audio Player features include:
- Artist name
- Album name
- Album art
- Audio track title
- Audio track duration
- Audio track progress bar
- Audio tracks playlist button
- Play button
- Pause button
- Next track button
- Previous track button
- Manage your playlist button (Permission controlled)
- Volume control
- Utilized the XenForo standard title tooltip for all buttons on the player.
- Audio formats supported (tested) in addition to MP3 include:
- MP3 (MPEG-1 Audio Layer-3)
- WAV (Waveform Audio File Format)
- AAC (Advanced Audio Coding)
- FLAC (Free Lossless Audio Codec)
- M4A (MPEG-4 Apple Lossless Audio Codec)
- OGG (Ogg Vorbis Compressed Audio File)
- OGA (OGG Vorbis Audio)
- AMB (Ambisonic B-Format)
- M4R (iTunes Ringtone File)
- OPUS (Opus Audio File)
- Streaming URLs for web radio, such as "Icecast" and "SHOUTcast," can also be compatible.
- Included 23 style properties that make it easy to customize the Player's look and design effortlessly.
- Player album art default
- Player album art width
- Player background
- Player controls action button active color
- Player controls action button color
- Player controls duration color
- Player controls progress bar background
- Player controls toggle play list background color
- Player controls toggle play list bottom
- Player controls toggle play list height
- Player current info color
- Player play list active color
- Player play list color
- Player play list hover color
- Player volume background
- Player volume slider
- Player width
- Player Current Info Song Album
- Player Current Info Song Artist
- Player Current Info Song Title
- Player Play List Songs Info Song Artist
- Player Play List Songs Info Song Title
- Player Play List Songs Info Songs Detail
- Admin can upload a custom default image of "Player Album Art" by utilizing its dedicated style property.
- Usergroup permissions added under the section: [XenCustomize] Profile Audio Player.
- View profile audio player
- Can add audio
- Can upload audio [NEW in v1.0.2]
- Permissions for the usergroups are automatically set up during the installation process.
- Added "Auto Play" for audio tracks when profiles are opened.
- Phrased completely to make it easy to translate into other languages.
Install and setup
Install "[XenCustomize] Profile Audio Player" like any other XenForo add-onAdmin options are pre-set by default – at least for the first flight.

Next, explore Usergroup permissions. These are automatically set up during the installation process.
- "View profile audio player" permission is granted to profile post viewers.
- "Can add audio" permission is for those who can post on profiles.
- "Can upload audio" permission is set for users who can upload attachments on profiles.
Before heading to the front-end, let's remember the numerous style properties for customizing the Player's appearance.

Now that you've had a glimpse

- Directly visiting your profile might disappoint you, as the Audio Player won't appear without adding audio tracks.
- But don't worry!
I've included a "Manage your playlist" link in the account visitor menu. This way, whether you're on any page, you can easily access it.
In v1.0.1, we've added a "Manage your playlist" button to the account navigation group, positioned alongside the Inbox and Alert buttons. This enhancement ensures better visibility and swift access.
Click "Manage Your playlist" to access the "Manage your playlist" page.

Add your first track by uploading an .mp3 file or providing a link (Refer to FAQ for additional tested formats). On playlist page, manage up to 10 tracks with options for audio uploads or links, artist names, song titles, album names, and even custom album art uploads

Save changes and...
..experience the stunning Profile Audio Player.

Note: If you disable "Autoplay," the profile load will display the Player as shown below.

As demonstrated above

Utilize the Toggle playlist button to swiftly access your saved tracks as shown below

Tap any track

- Which audio formats are supported besides MP3?
- Which audio formats are not supported?
- How to download updates from XenCustomize.com?