- Compatible XF Versions
- 2.2
- Additional Requirements
- Browser Detection v2.3.0+ by Xon
Introducing the premier profile music add-on for XenForo 2, bringing your profile to life!
My journey with XenForo is as long-standing as the platform itself. Over time, I've seen many requests for a profile music addon for XenForo 2. Now, with XenCustomize, I've put in my best effort to offer a solution. Hoping the XenForo community values this sincere effort.

Changelog v2.1.0
Implemented an Advanced Rich-Feature Comment System
- Added a new default tab for comments on audio track pages.
- The comment system includes the following features:
- Full support for a rich text editor.
- Attachment support.
- The ability to reply to comments using the quote feature.
- Support for multi-quoting.
- Quick inline editing:
- Edit silently
- If selected, no "last edited" note will be added for this edit.
- Clear last edit information
- If selected, any existing "last edited" note will be removed.
- Edit silently
- Edit history support with the ability to view and compare previous versions.
- Options to delete comments with deletion types:
- Remove from public view with a reason.
- Permanently delete.
- Notify author of this action with Reason.
- Display of IP address information for comments.
- Inline moderation support with the ability to:
- Delete comments.
- Undelete comments.
- Approve comments.
- Unapprove comments.
- View of soft-deleted comments and the option to undelete.
- Warning support.
- Report support.
- Spam cleaner support.
- New comments go through an approval queue before becoming visible to the public.
- Support for reactions.
- Receive alert notifications when someone:
- Mentions you in a comment.
- Quotes your comment.
- Reacts to your comment.
- Comments on a watched audio track.
- Pagination support.
- Admin-defined number of comments per page.
- Admin-defined maximum comment length.
- Option to show or hide signatures on comments.
- Admin-defined maximum comment attachment size.
- Admin-defined allowed comment attachment file types (extensions).
- Fully permission-controlled, with complete sets of permissions for users and moderators.
- Added search indexing support for comments' content type.
- Added a new navigation link for easy access to view recent comments.

Comment reply with quote

Reply with multi-quotes

Edit Comment

Comment edit history

Comment delete

Implemented "New comments" on the What's New Page.
- Presents tracks linked to unread comments in a new list view layout.
- Shows the comment count.
- Provides the ability to filter and display only:
- Unread comments
- Save as default
- These filters will be used by default whenever you return.

Implemented a New Widget: "Latest Comments"
- The widget title is linked to the What's New comments tab.
- Widget options include the number of comments to be displayed.
- The widget is automatically added to the Library sidenav during the installation or upgrade process.

Implemented News Feed Support for:
- Reactions to comments.
- New comments on audio tracks.

Implemented Watch/Subscribe Feature
- You can now watch (subscribe to) each audio track with the option to:
- Receive email notifications
- Watch without receiving email notifications.
- Tracks are auto-watched when users post comments on them.
- Alert notifications are sent when someone posts a comment on the track.

Added a Watched Audio Tracks Page
- This page displays all the audio tracks you've watched in a new list view layout.
- It allows you to efficiently manage your watched audio tracks, including:
- Disabling email notifications
- Stopping watching audio tracks.
- You can select all or multiple audio tracks and, with your selection, you can:
- Enable email notification
- Disable email notification
- Stop watching.
- Included a new navigation link for easy access to your watched audio tracks.
- Additionally, a "Watched Audio Tracks" filter has been added in the What's New (audio tracks) section.

Disable email notification

- Introduced a new optional text input field with a length of up to 100 characters.
- This field can be found just below the title on add/edit pages.
- The subtitle will be displayed under the title in various locations.

Multiple Music Genres
- Previously, genres were hardcoded in PHP. Now, admins can define their own Music Genres through a new admin option.
- Previously, only a single genre could be selected, we've now added the ability to choose multiple genres for each audio track.
- We've implemented Chosen jQuery for multiple selections, but we would change/update it for XenForo 2.3 version.

Added a new permission group "Profile Audio: Comments" with new permissions:
- View comments
- View comment attachments
- React to comments
- Post comments
- Post comments on own tracks
- Submit comments without approval
- Upload attachments to comments
- Edit own comment
- Delete own comment
- Time limit on editing/deleting own comments (minutes)
Added a new permission group "Profile Audio: Comments Moderator" with new permissions:
- Use inline moderation on comments
- View unapproved comments
- View deleted comments
- Approve / unapprove comments
- Edit any comment
- Delete any comment
- Undelete comments
- Hard delete any comment
- Give warnings on comments
Added new permissions to "Profile Audio" group:
- View audio tracks
- Added this new permission for viewing audio tracks. This permission applies to various scenarios, including:
- Viewing audio tracks
- Viewing audio tracks in the Library
- Viewing audio tracks in widgets
- Viewing audio tracks on the What's New page
- Viewing audio tracks on search results
- Added this new permission for viewing audio tracks. This permission applies to various scenarios, including:
- Listen to audio tracks
- Added this new permission specifically for listening to audio tracks on track view pages. Without this permission, users can still access audio tracks, but the track player won't be available for listening.
- View profile audio player (Existing permission)
- This permission now exclusively applies to the user's profile audio player only.
- With this permission, you can now disable the profile player without affecting the entire system.
Added a new tab, "Audio Tracks," to user profile tabs.
- Lists tracks from the user's library.
- Includes an Ajax search box.

Replaced the "Minimelody" audio track player with a mini version of the default full player (on profiles).
- This new mini player is designed to work on audio track pages.
- Built using HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript/jQuery.
- Now provides better support for dark styles and is prepared to support XenForo 2.3 dark styles.
- Fully customizable.
- Available action buttons include "Play, Pause, Stop, Repeat, and Volume."
- Supports auto-play with an option to disable auto-play.

Dark mode

Profile Audio Player Positions
- Added a new option to place the Player on user profiles sidebar down the order.
Improvements to Profile Audio Player
- The player now verifies the presence of attached audio files or direct audio links. If any entries are added without audio attachments or links, they will not be listed for playback.
- Various minor adjustments.
- Font Awesome <i class> tags now changed to <xf:fa> tags.
Tab Settings Revised
These Tab options not only let you show or hide tabs but also impact how their related features function. Here's what each of them does, along with the ability to enable or disable them:- Enable Listen tab
- If it's disabled, users won't be required to Attach audio or Provide a link to audio when adding or editing an audio entry. In that case, entries added without audio attachments or audio links will not appear on the profile player.
- Enable Lyrics tab
- If it's disabled, users won't be able to access the Lyrics editor when adding or editing an audio entry because there's no point in adding lyrics in that case.
- Enable Spotify tab
- If it's disabled, users won't be able to access the editor to Spotify embed when adding or editing an audio entry because there's no point in embedding Spotify in that case.
- Enable Apple Music tab
- If it's disabled, users won't be able to access the editor to Apple Music embed when adding or editing an audio entry because there's no point in embedding Apple Music in that case.
- Enable SoundCloud tab
- If it's disabled, users won't be able to access the editor to SoundCloud embed when adding or editing an audio entry because there's no point in embedding SoundCloud in that case.
- Enable YouTube Music tab
- If it's disabled, users won't be able to access the editor to YouTube Music embed when adding or editing an audio entry because there's no point in embedding YouTube Music in that case.
New Button Options
Added these new Button options, not only let you show or hide buttons separately but also impact how their related features function. Here's what each of them does, along with the ability to enable or disable them:- Enable Spotify button
- Enable or disable the Spotify Button Link on the Profile Audio view.
- If it's disabled, users won't be able to access the input field for the Spotify Button Link when adding or editing an audio entry because there's no point in linking a Spotify track in that case.
- Enable Apple Music button
- Enable or disable the Apple Music Button Link on the Profile Audio view.
- If it's disabled, users won't be able to access the input field for the Apple Music Button Link when adding or editing an audio entry because there's no point in linking a Apple Music track in that case.
- Enable SoundCloud button
- Enable or disable the SoundCloud Button Link on the Profile Audio view.
- If it's disabled, users won't be able to access the input field for the SoundCloud Button Link when adding or editing an audio entry because there's no point in linking a SoundCloud track in that case.
- Enable YouTube Music button
- Enable or disable the YouTube Music Button Link on the Profile Audio view.
- If it's disabled, users won't be able to access the input field for the YouTube Music Button Link when adding or editing an audio entry because there's no point in linking a YouTube Music track in that case.
Tabbed Admin Options
- As we continue to add more options, we are organizing and grouping them to make it easier for admins to find what they need:
- General options
- Player options
- Buttons options
- Tabs options
- Listeners options
- Library options
- Comments options
- Extras

Download Button
- Now checks for the presence of attached audio files or direct audio links. If any entries are added without audio attachments or links, the download button will not be displayed.

Miscellaneous Changes and Additions:
- The "Add" and "Edit" audio track links will no longer appear in overlays.
- The Statistics widget now displays the total number of comments.
- The audio information block now includes the following details:
- Total listeners count
- Total comments count
- Total watchers count
- Share this audio tooltip is now linked to the audio track for improved consistency.
- We've added numerous new phrases and templates.
- Several template modifications have been refreshed, and a few new ones have been included.
- "Track Comments" count is now displayed in Member stats, and the previously labeled "Profile audios" has been revised to "Tracks" for consistency.
- Manage your audios button in the account navigation group, next to the Inbox & Alert buttons, now linked to "Add new audio track".
- Added explanations with examples for embedding Spotify, Apple Music, SoundCloud, and YouTube Music.

Install/Upgrade Script Update:
- Default permissions are automatically applied during the installation and upgrade process, saving you time.
- A new widget, "Latest Comments," is created and placed in default positions as part of the installation and upgrade process.
- The uninstall code has been updated to ensure the removal of all new tables, columns, widgets, and content types.
- We maintain the migration script from v1.0.3, allowing for a direct upgrade to v2.1. However, starting from v2.2, we won't carry this script.
Changelog v2.0.3
2.0.3 - Audio Listeners, New Admin Options, User Group Permission, and Bug Fixes
Audio Listeners
- Introducing the "Audio Listeners" feature.
- Members who listened to an audio can now be displayed in a sidebar block on the audio view.
- In the block footer, you'll find the total listener count.
- Clicking the 'View Details' button opens an overlay that also displays the last listen date for each listener.
New admin options to customize the "Audio Listeners" block:
- Display the block in a collapsed state.
- Choose the display mode for Audio Listeners: Avatars and User names.
- Set a limit for Audio Listeners within the last X hours.
- Order Audio Listeners by "Listen date" or "Alphabetical."
New User Group Permission
- Added a new user group permission to control access to the "Audio Listeners" feature.

Post Deletion Database Cleanup
- Updated database cleanup code that also clear entries from the following when an audio is deleted:
- xf_xcu_profile_audio_listen
- xf_deletion_log
Code Optimization
- Cleaned up unnecessary code to improve performance and maintainability.
Bug Fixes
- Resolved a style bug that prevented the display of embedded content from Spotify, Apple Music, SoundCloud, and YouTube Music.
Changelog v2.0.2
2.0.2 - Listen Tracking, Mark Audios as Listened, News feed & What's new Integration
Introducing Listen Tracking
- User interactions with audio are now tracked and stored in a dedicated table.
- This sets the stage for an exciting new feature in the upcoming update that relies on this tracking.
Mark Audios as Listened
- You can mark all profile audios as listened with ease.
News feed Integration
- Added News feed entries for new audio additions.
- Enjoy News feed updates for reactions to audio tracks.
What's New Integration
- Discover the all-new "New Audio Tracks" tab in the What's New section.
- Use the filters menu to toggle between:
- Unlistened profile audios (default filter).
- Your profile audios.
- Save your preferences as default (these filters will be applied automatically).
Improved Simple Layout Widget
- Enhanced the "Latest Audio Tracks" widget with a convenient "See more..." link. It opens the "New Audio Tracks" section on the What's New tab.
Enhanced Audio Tools
- The undelete link on the audio view page now appears only when the audio state is deleted.
Various Tweaks and Improvements
- Updated Genres List
- Added numerous new phrases and updated several existing ones.
- Navigation links have been refined, including the addition of a "New Audios" link.
Changelog v2.0.1
2.0.1 - Manage soft-deleted audios, Improved user audio count, Bug fixes
Manage Deleted Audios:
- Soft deleted audio tracks are now visible on the "Manage Your Profile Audios" page.
- Clearly indicates the deleted entry.
Undelete Soft Deleted Audios:
- Now it's possible to recover soft-deleted audio tracks, simply grant users the ability to view deleted and undelete audio.
Added new usergroup permissions:
- View deleted audio
- Undelete audio

Added link to undelete audio tracks:
- You'll now find a link to undelete audio tracks if they are deleted, and user has the undelete permission.
Ajax Search Enhancement:
- The Ajax search now only displays visible audio tracks.
- Improved styling of the Ajax search box on iPhones.
Improved Post-Save Actions:
- Added an additional method that adjusts the user's profile audio count when a new audio track is added.
- Fixed an issue related to an unknown column when changing the "Default audio list order" to "Last update".
Changelog v2.0.0
Complete code rewrite from scratch
- Introduced an entirely new database structure.
- Upgrade/migrate Script from v1.0.3 to v2:
- Before proceeding with the upgrade, make sure your current Profile Audio Player installation is running v1.0.3.
- Includes the script to migrate existing data to new table.
- Removes the old table as part of the upgrade process.
- Streamlined the upgrade/migration process, making it as simple as a single click.
Adding New Profile Audio
- Introduced a completely new interface for adding profile audio entries.
- Users now have the flexibility to create an unlimited number of new profile audio entries. (Permission Controlled)
- Implemented permission checks to ensure users have the necessary rights to add profile audio.
- Added support for uploading audio attachments for profile audio entries.
- Implemented checks for the maximum allowed file size for audio attachments.
- Displays an error message when no audio file or external audio URL is provided.
- Enforced checks to determine if the maximum audio count limit for the user has been reached, and if so, displays an error message.
- Checks the permission if the user can upload audio attachment.
- Enabled users to input details for the profile audio, including title, artist, album, genre, release year, and more.
- Users can now include lyrics in their profile audio entries.
- Introduced the option for users to add external links as buttons to services such as Spotify, Apple Music, SoundCloud, and YouTube Music.
- Users can also embed external services like Spotify, Apple Music, SoundCloud, and YouTube Music.
- Enhanced the profile audio saving process, which includes validation checks and redirects to the brand new 'Audio View' route after successfully saving the entry.
Profile Audio Editing
- Users have the ability to edit their existing profile audio entries.
- Permission checks are performed to determine if users have the necessary rights to edit profile audio entries.
- Users can make edits to various details of the profile audio, including title, artist, album, genre, release year, and more.
- Users can also edit external links that lead to services such as Spotify, Apple Music, SoundCloud, and YouTube Music.
- Validates user input and saves the edited profile audio entity.
- Separate link for uploading and deleting audio attachment for profile audio (overwriting existing file).
- Separate link for uploading and deleting album art for profile audio (overwriting existing image).
Audio Attachment Support
- Users can attach audio files to their profile audio entries, supporting various audio formats.
- Compatibility is checked based on the file extension.
- Removed the legacy v1 audio upload functionality and introduced a new method following the standard used by official XF add-ons.
- Added temporary support for previously uploaded v1 audios as a fallback option for new audio attachments.
- Introduced a method to generate attachment URLs with cache control.
Album Art Upload Support
- Removed the legacy v1 album art upload functionality and replaced it with an all-new method following the standard used by official XF add-ons.
- Added temporary support for previously uploaded v1 album art images as a fallback to new album art.
- Implemented the generation of album art paths and URLs with cache control parameters.
Profile Audio Viewing
- Users can now view their own profile audio tracks as well as those of other users.
- Introduced a familiar user interface with convenient navigation through tabs, breadcrumb, and sidebar widgets.
- Users can easily view and edit profile audio details, including audio, title, artist, lyrics, album, album art, genre, release year, and more.
- Introducing a sleek Minimelody player with album art, title, artist, play/pause, repeat, and volume controls for an enhanced audio experience.
- Users with permission can play and listen audio track right on the view page.
- Users with permission can download the audio track right from the view page.
- Display of plays count as each and every play of profile audio is now logged and tracked.
- Link buttons for various music streaming services (Spotify, Apple Music, SoundCloud, YouTube Music).
- Embedded media tabs for various music streaming services (Spotify, Apple Music, SoundCloud, YouTube Music).
- Users can react as we added reaction support for profile audio.
- Users can share audio as we enhanced sharing options for the audio.
- Users can report an audio as we added functionality to report profile audio.
- Tools menu that quickly Edit details, Edit album art, Edit audio attachment, Reassign, Delete and view moderator actions.
- Audio information block in sidebar displaying username, add date, last update date, plays count.
- Share this Audio block in the sidebar.
- Latest audio tracks widget in the sidebar.
- Widget position in sidebar.

Minimelody Player
- Introducing the sleek Minimelody player, purpose-built for audio view pages.
- Support album art, audio title, artist, play/pause, repeat, and volume controls for an enhanced audio experience.
- Play counts are tracked and recorded whether you're playing or repeating your favorite track.
Plays Count:
- Every time an audio track is played on profiles or within the Minimelody player on the audio view page, the system will accurately track and record the play count.
- This includes the ability to track and record every single play without requiring a page reload.
- For those who enjoy repeated listening, each replay will also be counted separately, accurately reflecting the true number of times the audio has been played.
:love: Reactions
- Included support for reactions on profile audio.
- Users will receive alerts when someone reacts to their profile audio.
- Added support for reporting a profile audio.
Profile Audio Library Index
Discover a new audio library section, showcasing audio collections with a clean grid layout and advanced search options.- Introduced brand new audio library section showcased all users' collections in a grid layout, ensured a clean and organized design to improve user experience.
- AJAX Search Box at the top that support autocomplete allows users to search for audio titles, artist and albums.
- Users' audio libraries (collections) are showcased in a grid layout.
- Each user library item includes the user's avatar and the count of audio tracks it contains.
- Improved page navigation with a pagination feature to browse through audio libraries.
- Implemented a new grid layout to showcase audio tracks.
- Audio tracks are displayed using widgets with different order options: Create date, Recent update, Most popular (based on plays count), Highly rated (based on user reactions), and random selection.
- For administrators, there is additional guidance and information provided.
- Added a latest audio tracks widget in the sidenav.
- Added a statistics block in the sidenav.
- Provides statistics such as Total Profile audios, total plays, artists, albums, genres, and user libraries count.

Profile Audio Library View
Upon adding their first profile audio, a user's audio library is created, showcasing their profile audio content in a grid format.- The page title dynamically adapts based on the user. If the user viewing the Library is the same as the owner, it displays "Your Profile Audio Library." If the viewer is someone else, it displays "Profile Audio Library by [Username]."
- Profile audios are presented in a grid layout within the library view, each featuring title, album art, play count (if available), and user avatar.
- Fallback handling is implemented for cases without album art:
- It displays a legacy album art image (from v1) when no album art attachment is found.
- A default album art image is shown when there's neither an attachment nor a legacy image.
- Pagination is added for easy navigation through multiple library pages.
- Informative messages are provided when a user has no profile audios, with distinct messages for the profile owner and other viewers.
- Included a sidenav widget position for customizing the side navigation.
- Added a latest audio tracks widget in the sidenav.
- Added a statistics widget in the sidenav.

Quick Search (Autocomplete)
- Introduced a brand new quick search box with autocomplete, visible on Library index and view pages.
- Users can search within the audio titles, artists, and albums.
- If a single audio track is found, it redirects to its page; otherwise, it displays matched results on the search results page.
- Search results page maintains the same grid layout with pagination support.
- Included a sidenav widget position on the search results page.
- You'll find latest audio tracks widget in the sidenav.
- Added a statistics widget in the sidenav.

Search Indexing
- Added support for search indexing for the Profile audio content type.
- Rebuild the search index using the Rebuild Caches in Admin CP.

Manage Your Profile Audios
- Legacy "Manage Your Playlist" page replaced with all-new "Manage Your Profile Audios".
- Displays complete list of profile audios added by the user.
- Each profile audio entry displays:
- Title with a link to the audio view (quick view in an overlay).
- Artist name, if available.
- Album name, if available.
- Album art image, if available. If no album art is available for an audio, a default album art is displayed.
- Album art tooltip for additional information.
- Number of plays the audio has received.
- Lyrics, if available, the audio entry displays a snippet of the lyrics.
- Creation date.
- Last edit date (if edited).
- Options menu for managing audio actions.
- Users can perform various actions on their profile audios, including:
- Copying the profile audio link to the clipboard.
- Downloading the audio file (if permitted).
- Editing details such as title, artist, album, release year, lyrics and more.
- Editing album art.
- Editing audio attachment.
- Reassigning ownership of the profile audio.
- Deleting the profile audio.
- Pagination:
- Users can navigate through their profile audios using pagination.
- The number of profile audios displayed per page is customizable via Admin option (Profile audios per page).
- Empty Section Handling:
- If the user has not added anything yet, a message prompts the user (with link) to add their first profile audio.

User Profile Audio Count
- Added the counter to display the user's profile audio count in the member stats and various other locations.
- Implemented the method to recalculate and rebuild counters as needed.
- Made adjustments to the user's profile audio count when reassigning profile audio.
Find All Profile Audios by User
- Added the find all profile audios by user link to the find content dropdown on user profiles.
New Usergroup Permissions
- Max audios per user
- Can download audio
- Can edit own audio
- Can delete own audio
- Can edit any audio
- Can delete any audio
- Can reassign audio
Default permissions are automatically applied during the installation and upgrade process.
Fine-grained permission control
Enhanced permission checks for various actions:- Viewing the profile audio player.
- Adding new profile audio.
- Editing profile audio entries.
- Editing attachments.
- Editing album art.
- Sending moderator action alerts.
- Reacting to profile audio entries.
- Reporting profile audio entries.
- Reassigning profile audio entries.
- Deleting profile audio entries (soft and hard deletes).
- Undeleting profile audio entries.
- Downloading audio files.
- Viewing moderator logs.

Admin Options
The following new options have been added:- Profile audios per page
- Profile audio libraries per page
- Maximum audio attachment file size (KB)
- Default audio list order
- Auto clean up soft-deleted audios
- Enable profile audio library index
- Enable Listen tab
- Enable Lyrics tab
- Enable Spotify tab
- Enable Apple Music tab
- Enable SoundCloud tab
- Enable YouTube Music tab
New Style Property Group "Profile Audio View"
- Profile audio header.
- The profile audio view page's content header is styled with these settings.
- Profile audio header - Title.
- The styling of the title on profile audio view page is controlled here.
- Profile audio search button.
- Profile audio search textbox.
- Profile audio lyrics text stripes.
- Profile audio lyrics text stripes default.
To-do: - New Style Property Group: Profile Audio Library Index
- New Style Property Group: Profile Audio Library View
- Profile Audio Tracks Widget:
- Displays profile audio tracks effortlessly. Custom sorting options. Stylish and visually appealing display.
- Profile Audio Statistics
- Provides insights with various profile audio statistics. Includes data on audios, plays, artists, albums, libraries.

Widget Positions
- Profile Audio Library Index: Above Content.
- Profile Audio Library Index: Below Content.
- Profile Audio Library Index: Sidenav.
- Profile Audio Library View: Above Content.
- Profile Audio Library View: Below Content.
- Profile Audio Library View: Sidenav.
- Profile Audio View: Sidebar.
Cron Entries
- Profile Audio: Update view counters.
- Profile Audio: Cache profile audio statistics.
- Profile Audio: Daily clean up soft-deleted audios.

Rebuild Caches
- Profile Audio: Rebuild profile audios.
- Profile Audio: Rebuild user profile audio counts.
- Rebuild search index > Content type > Profile audios.

Moderator log:
- Profile audio title change.
- Profile audio removal from public view with reason.
- Profile audio permanently deletion.
- Profile audio reassignment.
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