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XenCentral Invite System

xF1 Add-on XenCentral Invite System 1.5.2

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Hello everyone,

this is the next minor release of XenCentral Invite System. It fixes the issue with Google and Twitter connect allowing people to login/register skipping the requirement to have an invitation. If the board is accessed without an invitation and Login via Facebook/Google/Twitter is attempted, the page will give a message informing the users they have to have an invitation to register, otherwise they will be able to register using their social network account just as usual, and the sender of invitation will be listed as their referrer.

We have also fixed the issue when the link to invite page was visible in Account popup even if the option for it was disabled.

All owners of active licenses can download the package from their Client's Area.

Thank you!

TigeryuppiesLatest member