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xF1 Unmaintained WordPress Article displayed as XenForo Page. 1.0.0

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  • Author Author Josh
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WordPress Article displayed as XenForo Page.

Hello All

Here is a XenForo add on that can take a standard WordPress article and display it as a page in a XenForo page node.

Super Easy to install and use. You can be up and running in under 5 minutes. It is that easy.
A (1) click configuration helper tool web page that will help with the configuration in the admin control panel.
I use a standard page node template, with a couple of small adjustments that will insert the content of the WordPress page.
I have included the template, eipSoftware_wppage, that I am using, so that it doesn't interfere with any other page nodes you may have.

Please review the installation section for details on how to install and use the addon.

if you have any suggestions for improvements, let me know. Thanks.

DONATE :: Suggested Donation = $5.00
If you like the widget and would like to support more great widgets, please
consider donating a few $$$; so I will be motivated to release some more
add-ons. Thanks.

WordPress version >= 3.5
MySQL >= 5.1
PHP >= 5.2; if you want to use the PDO option you need PHP 5.3 or greater.
And PDO needs to be enabled on your web server.

1. Copy the eipSoftware directory to your XenForo library's directory.
Normally this directory is located at /www/forums/library/
2. Follow the standard procedures for installing an XenForo addon.
3. In the admin control panel set the following options.
WordPress Articles as Page Nodes
a. Database Connection Type
b. WordPress Config File Name

----->>> IMPORTANT NOTE <<<-----
If you don't know how to enter in the WordPress Configuration file name
and you are not sure about the database connection type, use the
(1) click configuration helper tool, see below on how to use it.

4. Get the title of one of your WordPress articles, that you have previously
saved and is currently published on your WordPress site.

5. Set up a new page node in XenForo. Applications > Node Tree > Create New Node
a. In the description field enter in the tile of your WordPress article
b. On the page options tab, leave the Template HTML field blank
c. On the php callback tab, enter in the following
PHP Callback eipSoftware_wppages_wppagecallback :: respond
d. save the page.

That's it you are done.

In the directory where you uploaded the addon, normally /www/forums/library/
in the directory /eipSoftware/wppages/configtool/ is the file config.php.
It is the 1 click configuration helper tool.

In your web browser, I suggest Google Chrome or Firefox, Open the configuration
helper tool it should be in the following directory.

After the page opens click the button labeled. Find Files
The page will let you know type of database connection you can use
and will search for the WordPress Configuration file. The replies in BOLD
are what you need to copy into the admin control panel.

Copyright is held by eipSoftware.
You may not sell, license or redistribute the code in any form.
Of course you can adjust the XenForo template to however you see fit for
your own website. And if you have any suggestions for improvements,
let me know.

38.4 KB
First release
Last update

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