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WHMCS WHMCS 8.2.0 RC1 Nulled

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FEATURE-2475 - Introduce Product Addon Types
FEATURE-2559 - Provide Add-On Feature for WordPress Toolkit with cPanel and Plesk with quick Predefines


CORE-15803 - Correct sort order functionality for payment gateways
CORE-15993 - Mark MZN as a fractional currency
CORE-16126 - Correct overly restrictive access to System Settings
CORE-16275 - Ensure UserEdit hook executes during email change
CORE-16295 - Ensure legacy_modern functions with friendly URLs
CORE-16301 - Add health check to warn when using flawed database driver
CORE-16328 - Update EU TLD country of citizenship additional field
CORE-16355 - Correct distinction between service and service addons within Email Campaigns
CORE-16364 - Correct merge field aggregation for tickets created via API
CORE-16368 - Prevent error from invalid characters provided during credit removal
CORE-16436 - Improve character encoding of recipient name for emails
CORE-16447 - Honour system language on Order Confirmation email
CORE-16503 - Allow importation of emails without subject headers
CORE-16524 - Correct display of enabled status for Daily Email Backups
CORE-16527 - Improve inspection of email sender for piped tickets
CORE-16561 - Ensure proper calculation of PayPal Checkout fees
CORE-16586 - Correct display of no results for intellisearch
Also known as: CORE-16514, CORE-16634
CORE-16593 - Correct admin url path for Apps & Integration links
CORE-16617 - Correct template variable case for $loggedinuser
CORE-16625 - Improve Ioncube analyser for 7.2 encodings
CORE-16639 - Correct order id for order deletion request
Also known as: CORE-16679
CORE-16673 - Ensure ticket created via Email by External User is labeled as Registered User
CORE-16705 - Prevent duplicate Slack notification for ticket close event
CORE-16751 - Prevent perpetual error message for contact modification


MODULE-7156 - Sync Plesk Subscriptions assigned to Custom Service Plan
MODULE-7623 - Ensure correct rate is set when adding a transaction for PayPal Checkout overpayments

Project Management Addon​

PMA-191 - Associate Invoice searches by Invoice ID only
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