NulledTeam - XF1 Version Warning Improvements by Xon
Q. How do I anonymise old warning alerts?
A. This will require custom SQL to be run against your database. This is a destructive change, and can result in data loss!
The following SQL will anonymous old warning alerts:
update xf_user_alert
set user_id = 0, username = ''
where content_type ='warning_alert' and action = 'warning'
Q. Can the automatic warning summary to forum/thread notices be modified.
A. Yes, Edit the phrases Warning_Summary_Title and Warning_Summary_Message
Q. What are all the replacables this add-on supports?
A. Support the following replaceable for warning conversations & post notifications;
- user_id
- name
- username
- staff
- staff_user_id
- points
- warning_title
- warning_points
- warning_category
- warning_link
- date
- notes (Warning Improvements v2.4.2+)
If a warning action was triggered;
If the content exists;
If Report Improvements is installed;