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Warning Improvements by Xon

xF1 Add-on Warning Improvements by Xon 1.7.2

No permission to download
Update chosen javascript library
  • Fix scrolling though warnings on an ipad
  • Handle if the warning category has been unexpectedly deleted by throwing a no permission error instead of erroring.
  • On install, update warnings which are using missing warning categories.
  • Fix: "Undefined index: warning_category_id" when logging a warning as a reply to a thread
Fix SQL error when importing warning groups from [TH] Warnings into Warning Categories.
  • [TH] Warnings must be installed and enabled when installing Warning Improvements.
  • Please disable [TH] Warnings after the install finishes due to add-on conflicts in the AdminCP.
Add additional empty() checks to prevent issuing a warning to fail with an internal server error
  • Note; you must assign permissions on the warning categories themselves!
AdminCP Warning UI overhaul
  • Warning Categories, allow grouping of warnings into groups with permissions per category.
    AdminCP - warning screen
  • Drop & Drag support to order warnings or categories
  • Editing a category

Front-end Warning UI overhaul
  • Chosen-based select menu
    Issue warning - select menu

    Issue warning - radioboxes
  • Per-browser option to switch to radio-select boxes
  • Fix a missed phrase for "The user {name} could not be found"
  • Fix option to disable sending warning conversations so it actually disables them correctly
  • Global option to control if warning alerts are sent by default.

coolmaniakLatest member