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Warning Improvements by Xon

xF1 Add-on Warning Improvements by Xon 1.7.2

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  • Ensure Warning Action fixup background task terminates when there are no applicable warning actions to fix
  • Ensure form redirects back to content on issuing a warning
  • Redirect back to content if the user has already been warned
  • Make "Minimum Note Length" depend on "Require Notes for Warning"
  • Per-Warning definition option to allow moderators to edit a warning's title when issuing a warning (default disabled)
  • Global minimum characters count for note field (default disabled)
  • Enforce minimum php & XenForo version in installer
  • Fix custom text field is not being focused
  • Enable XenForo's form ajax support, thus when any errors occur the moderator does not need to start from scratch to issue a warning.
  • Fix warning category sorting not being stable
  • Make member warning page fail gracefully if javascript doesn't load
  • Fix typos in some phrase
Warnings/Bans with time-based expiry are now be removed on the 1st visit after the expiry time, rather than needing to wait for the hourly cron task to run.
  • If Warning Acknowledgement (paid) add-on is installed, by design the user will remain in the selected 'warned' user groups until all warnings are acknowledged, even the expired ones.
  • Criteria for warning count + include/exclude expired warnings, which can be date-range limited
  • update to jsTree 3.3.4 (from 3.3.3)
  • Fix deleting a warning category with a warning action attached to it
  • Allow warning fixup task to always run from the installer
    • Ensures account warning points are in sync with active warnings
    • Purges any should-be inactive warning actions
  • Allow editing Warning Actions to have no category
  • Fixexpiring point-based warning actions with categories
    • A background task will correctly expiry warning actions on any affected accounts. Usernames will be logged the error log when detected & corrected
  • Like
Reactions: gender
  • Fix unexpected recursion which blocks deleting/expiring warnings
Workaround for XF behavior (bug?) of issuing an expired warning which applies warning points to the account, but never removes them.
  • Should handle when a future update of XF fixes this behaviour.

coolmaniakLatest member