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WP VidoRev Nulled

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- 1. Update: CMB2 2.11.0 (Compatible Version)
- 2. Update: X-Share URL
- 3. Update: Documentation
- 4. Update: Change the translation file loading hook
- 5. Minor bugfixes
- 1. Update: CMB2 2.11.0
- 2. Minor bugfixes
- 1. Fixed: Displays data fields corresponding to post types
- 2. Improved: CSS for the new design of Paid Membership Pro
- 3. Improved: Remove scrollbar for iframe
- 4. Update: Youzify V.3.5.4
- 5. Minor bugfixes
- 1. Fixed: Video Lightbox not working with PHP8
- 2. Fixed: Pagination in playlist (single video post) not working properly
- 3. Update: Compatible with Yasr plug-in – Yet Another Stars Rating 3.1.6
- 4. Update: Youzify 3.3.3
- 5. Minor bugfixes
- 1. Fixed: Elementor - _register_controls is deprecated since version 3.1.0
- 2. Fixed: vidorev_clear_cron_jobs function syntax error
- 3. Fixed: wp_read_video_metadata function does not exist when processing post submission.
- 4. Minor bugfixes
- 1. Update: CMB2 2.9.0
- 2. Compatible with: CMB2 2.9.0
- 3. Update: Youzify 3.0.9 (formerly Youzer)
- 4. Compatible with: Youzify 3.0.9 (formerly Youzer)
Please review the instructions carefully before performing the upgrade
We are not responsible if you make a mistake and lose data. Ideally, you should back up before doing this.

- 5. Update: PLYR 3.6.4
- 6. New: "Infinite Scroll" paging for content blocks.
- 7. New: "Loadmore Button" paging for content blocks.
- 8. Fixed: Google IMA ads cannot be clicked
- 9. Minor bugfixes
1. Update: FluidPlayer 2.4.9
- 2. Update: Video Ad ( VPAID 2.0 for self-hosted video )
- 3. Update: User Submit ( Playlists Awaiting Review )
- 4. Update: User Submit ( Channels Awaiting Review )
- 5. Update: Hide Video Ad for subscriptions groups ( Paid Membership Pro )
- 6. Update: CSS for myCred Leaderboard Widget
- 7. Minor bugfixes
- 1. New: Ads Settings for Members
- 2. New: Like/Dislike/Viewing (Video) hooks for myCRED
- 3. Improved: User Submit Video (player library for self-hosted video)
- 4. Improved: Video Advertising on Lightbox
- 5. Improved: Translate PO file ( Vidorev Extensions plugin )
- 6. Minor bugfixes
- 1. New: Notifications ( features for channel )
- 2. New: Video Subtitles ( for self-hosted video )
- 3. New: Video Series ( style 3 )
- 4. New: Advance Filter Tags ( with Blog Page Template )
- 5. New: WooCommerce Premium Video ( Sell Video )
- 6. Update: Youzer 2.3.4
- 7. Update: Documentation
- 8. Fix: Actor & Director Query
- 9. Improved: Player Library
- 10. Minor bugfixes
- 1. Fix: Channel Tab Order
- 2. Fix: CSS series Dropdown Style
- 3. Add Hook for Video Ad ( HTML mode )

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