Nulled Scripts Community

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xF2 Style Vertiforo 2.3.4d

No permission to download
  • SFCore compatibility fixes
  • xmas snow animation fixes
  • xmas missing icons fixes
- fixing possible issue with hiding copyright info behind administrator/moderator staff bar when removing copyright of StylesFactory (theme info)
- working with XF 2.2.3
Fixed problem with nodes with long topics titles.
- fixed responsive design for ipads and iphones
- changed way the custom header display elements
- fixed some missing backgrounds
- fixed avatar margins for fancy post design
- fixed sidebar behavior on responsive design
- fixed widths for nodes (firefox, safari and IE)
- some small changes in css
- fixed subforum link bug
- fixed not showing small logo in mobile view
- REWORKED nodes to support single, double and TRIPPLE columns!
- INCLUDED Custom Header plugin
- INCLUDED Custom Slider

- added better menu in admin panel
- many fixes in responsive design
- changed default colors
- changed main font
- changed menu tabs animation

  • Price will rise after BETA version from 10$ to 15$.
  • Remember that there still can be some bugs. Nodes plugin was changed so I recomment to uninstall old one and then install new one.
Working with 2.0.10​
- working with 2.0.7
- custom header new options + fixes​
- working with latest XF 2.0.6.a

TigeryuppiesLatest member