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xF1 Add-on User-Friendly Links in Profile Sidebar - "Start A Conversation, Edit Profile, etc" 1.2.1

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This add-on just adds a block with a few extra user-friendly links ( CSS hover effect included ) to the sidebar of Profiles at your xenForo forum.
You can also disable/enable which link to display in the left sidebar of profiles. ( Admin Control Panel -> Options -> [CrazyIM] Profile Links )
( This add-on Works with xenForo 1.1 and xenForo 1.1.1 )

When Viewing A Member's Profile

Extra Links Added :
  • Start A Conversation
  • Members I Follow
  • View My Followers
  • Follow / UnFollow
  • Ignore Member / UnIgnore Member

When Viewing Your Profile

Extra Links Added :
  • Edit My Profile
  • Edit My Signature
  • Edit My Contact Details
  • Edit My Privacy
  • Edit My Preferences
  • Edit My Alert Preferences
  • Edit My Avatar
  • Edit My Password

Useful Content Links :

In v1.2, "Useful Content" links were included. It's disabled by default.
To enable it : Admin Control Panel -> Options -> [CrazyIM] Profile Links -> Enable "Useful Content Links" SideBar? -> Mark -> Save


ScreenShot of "Useful Content Links" :

Installation Instructions :

1. Download and unzip.
2. Upload the contents of the library folder to your xenForo's library folder.
3. Import the XML file Via your Administration Panel.

It's that easy as saying 1, 2 & 3, :sneaky:

Editing Words :

If you want to insert your own words instead of the ones that I've chosen, listen up below, ;)

Navigate: Admin Control Panel -> Languages & Phrases -> Phrases

Phrase List : ( KEY: phrases are listed to the left while words to the right )
  • "CrazYimProfileLinks_profile_links" = Useful Profile Links: ( For Your Own Profile )
  • "CrazYimProfileLinks_profile_links2" = Useful Profile Links: ( For Visitor's Profile )
  • "CrazYimProfileLinks_start_a_conversation" = Start a Conversation
  • "CrazYimProfileLinks_members_i_follow" = Members I Follow
  • "CrazYimProfileLinks_view_my_followers" = View My Followers
  • "CrazYimProfileLinks_ignore_member" = Ignore Member
  • "CrazYimProfileLinks_unignore_member" = UnIgnore Member
  • "CrazYimProfileLinks_edit_my_profile" = Edit My Profile
  • "CrazYimProfileLinks_edit_my_avatar" = Edit My Avatar
  • "CrazYimProfileLinks_edit_contact" = Edit My Contact Details
  • "CrazYimProfileLinks_edit_my_privacy" = Edit My Privacy
  • "CrazYimProfileLinks_edit_preferences" = Edit My Preferences
  • "CrazYimProfileLinks_edit_alert_preferences" = Edit My Alert Preferences
  • "CrazYimProfileLinks_edit_password" = Edit My Password
  • "CrazYimProfileLinks_edit_signature" = Edit My Signature
  • "CrazYimProfileLinks_contentLinks" = Useful Content Links:
  • "CrazYimProfileLinks_my_newsfeed" = My News Feed
  • "CrazYimProfileLinks_alerts" = My Alerts
  • "CrazYimProfileLinks_my_watched_threads" = My Watched Threads
  • "CrazYimProfileLinks_my_posted_content" = My Posted Content
  • "CrazYimProfileLinks_likes_content" = Likes My Content Received
  • "CrazYimProfileLinks_login" = Log In To View Content
All that you have to do is find the phrase and replace the word then save.
Download files and enjoy.
3.7 KB
First release
Last update

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