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WP uiXpress 1.0.19 Nulled

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Small stability update with bug fixes, improvements and a new option to disable the global search.

Added option to disable global search
Dark mode / theme change will now apply to VendBase (update to VendBase will be required)
Added catch for settings css missing
Fixed icon's on frontend toolbar for edit page and customize
Fixed conflicts with SureTriggers and Defender plugins
Fixed style conflict with slider revolution plugin
Fixed issue in global search where clicking on a user would send you to the wrong link
Menu items in global search now respect custom menus
Small update with several fixes and two new features. It's now possible to set a global theme (light or dark) for all users which will also disable the switcher. We have also added the ability to load external css stylesheets into the admin from uiXpress settings.

Added option to load external stylesheets / css
Added global theme option for light / dark modes
uiXpress now loads the updated toolbar from the admin area on the frontend
Added fix for compatibility with FlowMattic plugin
Added style fix for surecart
Updated some missing translation strings
Small update that adds the ability to import / export admin menus, adds Chinese translation and a fix for when using wp CLI.

Updated language files and added Chinese translation
Added import export options for menu creator
uiXpress settings now live update on change
Notifications panel is now resizable
Removed dev error_logs
Added fix for issues uiXpress could cause when using wp CLI
Added fix for learndash course editor in full screen
Fixed issue with fluent support toolbar
Added fix for notification count showing when there are no notifications
Small stability update with bug fixes and new features.

Added options to hide screen options toggle and help toggle
Added option to change admin side site favicon
Enhanced white label text replacement to work with plugins using js translation functions
Fixed issue with logout url not always redirecting to the logout page
Fixed layout issue with WP HTML mail plugin
Added new css property (--uixp-toolbar-height) for aligning other plugins that need it
Fixed issue with Advanced themer settings page where it would change the base font size
Fixed issue where the site editor was not usable with uixpress
Fixed top position of SEOpress header
Fixed checkboxes in dark mode
Fixed issue where the custom logo on the login page would only show if there was a dark mode logo set as well
Fixed issue with new admin layout where menu would not overflow properly
Added style fixes for cookieYes plugin
This update that introduces a brand new way to navigate through the WordPress admin - You can now use the global search (command / ctrl k) to navigate through your menu links, making the admin navigate-able through the keyboard. We also added a new admin layout for uiXpress and fixed a small style issue with SEOpress.

Added new admin layout
Added menu links to global search for full keyboard navigation
Added layout fix for SEOpress
Fixed issue where some menu icons would be displayed as a url string instead of the icon it's self.
Fixed issue with fluentCRM where the links would be incorrectly displayed on the toolbar menu
Added catch for potential login redirect issue when a custom slug is set.
Added catch to stop alt text ai plugin from affecting uiXpress dark mode
Fixed issue with latepoint and some other fullscreen plugins where avatars were interfering with the ui
Added a fix for an issue where uiXpress settings, licences and menu editor didn't work when permalinks are set to plain.
* Fixed style issues with elementor and independent analytics settings page
* Added option to change the login URL
* Added text replacement feature for white labelling other plugins / wordpress
* Further improvement of styles t reduce conflicts
* Tweaks to styles to address issues with bookingpress plugin
* Fixed Gutenberg styles with blocksy theme
* Improved load times of menu and toolbar
* Added loading indicator
* Fixed non scrollable menu when minimised
Small stability update with a stylised front end toolbar.

Added styles updates for frontend adminbar and added dark logo (if set)
Fixed style issues with gravity forms
Fixed issue where settings page styles were broken when theme was disabled.
Added fix for mainwp dashboard

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