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xF1 Add-on Trust+ 1.0.13

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Compatible XF Versions
  1. 1.4
  2. 1.5
Trust+ Risk Analysis System
Trust+ is a security and risk analysis system designed to help stop spammers, trolls, and other bad-actors from registering an account on your forum. Unlike similar services, Trust+ takes a multi-faceted approach to identify different risk factors. Currently, Trust+ can:

  • Detect and block users who are behind the Tor Anonymity Network.
  • Detect and block users who are attempting to register with a disposable email address.
  • Detect and block users who are attempting to register with a non-existent email address.
  • Detect and block users who are behind web proxies, such as Glype and CGIProxy.
  • Detect and block users who are behind a Virtual Private Network.
  • Detect and block users who are registering from an IP address belonging to a network commonly used by spammers.
  • Detect and block users who are registering from other high-risk networks.
  • Differentiate between commercial-use and home-networks, and optionally block users on commercial networks.
  • Detect and optionally block users who may be behind HTTP or SOCKS proxies by use of an open proxy scan. (scoring customization required)
Our service makes it easy to stop bad actors, both human and machine, from registering on your site. Low value and throwaway accounts can be prevented. Trust+ is based on a winning formula successfully used to defend online communities with a high threat level.

Add-On Features
  • Calls the Trust+ API to determine the risk of a potential registrant.
    • Based on risk score, you can decide to either block the user or send them to the manual approval queue.
    • All blocks are recorded to the Spam log in your ACP.
  • Optionally, reports bans to the Trust+ service to help us improve our detection algorithms.
1000 requests/mo - 5$ monthly.
2500 requests/mo - 10$ monthly.
5000 requests/mo - 20$ monthly
5000+ requests/mo - contact us for a custom quote!

Note: This add-on utilizes the Trust+ API. In order to obtain an API key, you must sign up for service at A free fourteen day trial will be automatically applied to new accounts. You can also contact us if you'd like 100 test credits to evaluate the service with!​
16.7 KB
First release
Last update

More resources from AnimeHaxor

Latest updates

  1. Improved Error Reporting

    An error will be reported if allow_url_fopen is not set to on.
  2. New Feature & Bug Fix

    When new registrations are moderated as a result of Trust+, the log entry showing the reasons...

Similar resources

Block Disposable Email Addresses, Proxies, VPNs, and known-bad users!

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