
WP Total 5.19 Nulled

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Important: This update has an optimization to prevent unwanted paginated pages from being accessed when not needed. Previously the theme had code to allow anyone to access a post using the url format post-slug/page/{number}/. This isn't a big concern for SEO since you shouldn't ever link to these pages unless your post itself has pagination (WordPress allows this by default on standard pages). However, you could have some issues if you added a paginated grid on a post and then removed it and Google had previously crawled those URL's.
The theme will now check if you have added theme elements with standard pagination before adding the code to allow the paginated slugs. For most people these changes wouldn't be noticed, however, if you were using a 3rd party plugin or custom code that added pagination on single posts (very unlikely but I want to mention it anyway) and the pagination breaks you may need to add a little code to your site to get that working. Or better...use the theme's Post Cards element instead!

  • AddedRequired attribute to the search forms to prevent empty searches.
  • AddedTwo new hooks which allow you to add custom content to the Post Cards element between entries (sample snippet)
  • UpdatedTotal Theme Core & Slider Revolution plugins. The new WPBakery 7.9 has some bugs so we won’t update it until the issues have been addressed.
  • UpdatedThe theme.json file to prevent bugs with new versions of WordPress inserting unnecessary code into the site header.
  • UpdatedThe Post Cards element so when using the “Custom Field” query type you can set the order and order parameters.
  • UpdatedThe Post Cards element so when using the “Custom Field” query type it will add the no_found_rows and ignore_sticky_posts parameters to the query so it’s a bit more efficient.
  • UpdatedThe theme’s Elementor widgets to remove the AI feature where it’s not needed.
  • UpdatedOptimized the code that allows for pagination on singular posts (standard & cpt) using elements like the Post Cards or Post Types Grid so that if the currently displayed page doesn’t have any elements with pagination and a user tries going to{number} the post will redirect to the original post.
  • UpdatedSecurity improvements for the page title which could render shortcodes when making search queries.
  • FixedIssue with the Aspect Ratio setting not working for the WordPress image gallery.
  • FixedIssue where using a forward slash or hashtag for a URL would be treaded as a telephone number.
  • FixedList (bullets) extra CSS classname field not saving properly.
  • FixedThe Unique ID field wasn’t working in the List (bullets) element.
  • FixedMissing aria-label on the header search icon when added via the shortcode in a flex header style.
  • FixedWhen disabling the “Scroll to Hash” option in the customizer the comments link in the post meta was not working correctly.
  • RemovedThe options to set the Aspect ratio for the Lightbox images because it’s not possible.
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