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TinyMCE Quattro and its wysiwyg bbcodes

xF1 Unmaintained TinyMCE Quattro and its wysiwyg bbcodes 2.7.2

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Version 2.7.2 released
  • Mini parser updated
  • Improve user tagging (thanks to Xon)

P.S: the version 2.7.1 was only published on Github.
Version 2.7.0 released
  • Update to TinyMCE 4.4.1 [ref]
  • [Bug fix] Indent renderer modified for TinyMCE
  • [Bug fix] Default blockquote handler modified to proper handle wysiwyg quotes
  • [Bug fix - with new version of MCE] Table option Width & Height support decimal (ie: 100.12px)
  • [Bug fix] Fix a bug with the mini parser when the same opening parsing character was used several times ; ie: [This is a test].
  • [Bug fix/Optimization] MCE detection modified.
    • Explanation: to detect if MCE is enabled, the CCV ($controllerName, $controllerAction, $viewName) are checked. If a user loads a new page, then these values will change. If the user comes back to the original page, it is unlikely that the MCE will be detected as enabled. This was a problem when the user came back and toggled between the RTE<=>Bb Code editors (some layouts of the WYSIWYG Bb Codes could be lost). A workaround has been found.
  • [Optimization] Guilty Tags option deleted (internal config)
  • [Optimization] Xml installer addon url updated (Thanks to Xon)
  • [WIP] Sedo_TinyQuattro_Helper_WysiwygHtml
    • Still a lot of work to do, I'm not sure I will find enough time
    • Miniparser updated
In this release, I haven't done everything I've planned to do, but several bugs have been fixed, so it worth to publish as it stands. And it will be easier to continue the development step by step.
Version 2.6.2 released
  • [HTML > BbCode Converter]
    • Optimize code to avoid to use too much memory - Thanks to Gates
    • Rephrase the option description
    • [*]On old versions of XenForo (< 1.2), this option will enable some fixes when you toggle the RTE editor to the BbCode editor. On recent versions of XenForo (> 1.2), this option will be enabled every time the html content of the editor is converted to Bb Codes.
      To make it simple, there are two kinds of fixes. The first one detects if the a tag has the same parent (test 1 test 2 test 3) and the second one checks identical siblings (test test 2)... in a recursive way. In other words, this patch helps to have a cleaner code.
      This patch can be intensive for your server. With the default characters limit, it shouldn't be a problem. If you have set a high number or if you disable the limit and you have a very long message with many Bb Codes, then it would depend on your server configuration. It has been successfully tested with this kind of message and a server with a 128MB memory.
    • Add a new option "HTML > BbCode Converter tags limit"
    • [*]As stated above, the HTML > BbCode Converter can be intensive for your server with huge posts full of Bb Codes. If you didn't increase the maximum characters number in a message, everything should be ok. If you increased it, it might depend on the message and on your server configuration.
      Instead of disabling this converter, you can enable it by setting the maximum tags to be processed (a Bb Code in a message might be processed several times to optimize the output). For reference, 1800 is a high number, 500 is a low number. If you don't want to set any limit, set 0 (default value).

If you use the 2.6.x version of this addon, please upgrade.

P.S: a new version of TinyMCE is available. I didn't include it in this update because the main goal was to optimize the code to avoid any sever problems.
  • 2.6.0 => buggy code
  • 2.6.1 => working code but too much memory used
  • 2.6.2 => optimized code

BalivokLatest member