Nulled Scripts Community

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Script SumoWebTools 2.0 Nulled

No permission to download
- NEW: Updated the core and code structure.
- NEW: Added features to optimize page loading speed.
- NEW: Added Privacy Policy Generator tool.
- NEW: Added Terms And Condition Generator tool.
- NEW: Added Disclaimer Generator tool.
- NEW: Added SERP Preview feature for Posts, Pages, and Tools.
- NEW: Added an option to open links in new tabs for Posts, Pages, or Tools.
- NEW: Added an option to Show or Hide the site name for Posts, Pages, or Tools.
- NEW: Added Robots Meta option for Posts, Pages, or Tools.
- NEW: Added arrows for Select elements.
- NEW: Added an option to delete History.
- NEW: Added Sticky Sidebar feature.
- NEW: Added Reply to feature when sending mail via the Contact page.
- NEW: Added the feature to choose Dark Mode as the default theme for the website.
- NEW: Added a feature to login and register via Google or Facebook.
- NEW: Added Reset License feature.
- NEW: Added links to the category names of tools.
- NEW: Added the Table of Contents feature to the editor.
- NEW: Added alt tag for tool icon.
- NEW: Added alt tag for Featured Image.
- NEW: Added support for importing Addon Packages.
- NEW: Automatically apply slugs to the names of Posts, Pages, or Tools.
- NEW: Option to Disable Language.
- NEW: Instant indexing feature.
- NEW: Insert code inside the Body element.
- NEW: Slash style option.
- ENHANCEMENT: Improved page loading speed.
- ENHANCEMENT: Improved Breadcrumbs in the Admin Dashboard.
- ENHANCEMENT: Improved translation progress.
- ENHANCEMENT: Improved AdBlock Detection.
- ENHANCEMENT: Improved multi-language search.
- ENHANCEMENT: Improved Sitemap.
- ENHANCEMENT: Improved Random Word Generator tool.
- ENHANCEMENT: Automatically switch RTL or LTR when changing language.
- ENHANCEMENT: Smoother back to the top.
- ENHANCEMENT: Set input type in position to number instead of text.
- ENHANCEMENT: Tools with untranslated languages are not displayed.
- ENHANCEMENT: Change reCAPTCHA v3 to v2.
- FIXED: White page when changing the app name.
- FIXED: An issue with the white background on the sidebar, category, and related tools in dark mode
- FIXED: Has an issue when Delete the Menu in the Admin Dashboard.
- FIXED: Lazy loading issues.
- FIXED: Multiple root elements detected.
- FIXED: An issue when counting accented characters for the Word Counter tool.
- FIXED: An issue with Paypal Fee Calculator reset button.
- FIXED: An issue with Favicon in the Admin Dashboard.
- FIXED: An issue with @media on the CSS Beautifier tool.
- FIXED: Menu error when searching.
- FIXED: A problem displaying the image when using the Find Facebook ID tool.
- REMOVED: Canonical and alternate on the 404 pages.
- Minor bug fixes.
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