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sonnb - XenGallery (XenForo Gallery)

xF1 Add-on sonnb - XenGallery (XenForo Gallery) 2.6.2

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- Bug fixes:
+ Various bug fixes. Please see for more details.
Security fix: Fix a Cross-site Scripting (XSS) issue happens in some page when user input <script> tag into album, photo and video description.

You are strongly recommended to upgrade your current XenGallery version to the latest version.​
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Reactions: myrmidons
- New features:
+ Collection improvements
* Your moderators who has the manage collection permission now able to manage the collections directly in the frontend, including: Edit, Create and Delete.
* The thumbnail could be uploaded directly, not only pasting the image URL. Your image will not be resized so consider upload suitable size only.
* The brand new cover for collection. You can upload image directly or insert image from URL. Your image will not be resized so consider upload suitable size only.
- Bug fixes:
+ Various bug fixes. Please see for more details.

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