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Social Engine

Script Social Engine 6.2.2 Nulled

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We are very happy to announce the release of SocialEngine PHP 5.0! This exciting release adds mobile apps, a new theme, lots of improvements and fixes. Now’s the time to upgrade or start your new community with SocialEngine PHP!

Full details are in our blog but a few highlights:

Serenity Theme
This fully responsive theme has a beautifully laid out UI with the user in mind. Clear fonts make navigation a breeze. The crisp design works well in any contrast mode and gives your community an exciting look and feel.

Mobile apps
iOS and Android mobile apps are now available for v5.0! These apps are free for SocialEngine clients to enjoy. We know this is what everyone’s been waiting for too! You'll be able to test them on the demo in 24-48 hours once they are approved from Google and Apple for the demo. You can download the mobile apps from the SocialEngine store when logged in.

Improved Login Security
New password routine with checkboxes helps your users create better and stronger passwords. Two Step Authentication is another security improvement that clients can choose to enable. This helps ensure your users are authentic and helps prevent spam.

New Groups Features!
Our most requested improvement other than adding the mobile apps was to extend the Groups plugin. We’ve added blog, poll, and video to the group plugin for clients that have the SocialEngine plugins. We also added member level settings for official plugins for groups in order for admins to control what each member level can do in the groups.

Improved Spam Settings
Spam is always a top concern for communities. As such, we’ve added flood control settings to help you keep spammers from adding all those junk posts that you have to delete. No more of that!

And lots more!

As we have mobile apps, our minimum requirements have been updated. If you want to use the mobile apps, please be sure to check with your host and send them our requirements list.

As we have a new theme, Insignia is now EOL (end of life) and not being updated. It is available as a free download to SocialEngine clients and experts in the SocialEngine store.

In addition to retiring Insignia, with the new responsive theme, the Mobile plugin is no longer necessary and that also is EOL (end of life) and not being updated. It also is available as a free download to SocialEngine clients in the SocialEngine store.

A complete changelog is available for more details about the changes and fixes implemented in this 5.0 release. Please view our demo of v5 and explore the new features! Please note that it will be 24-48 hours before the mobile apps are available at the demo as Google and Apple need to final check.

You can download your copy of version 5.0 from your client dashboard. New clients will see the download available. For clients not seeing the download, a small fee is required in order to unlock this version.

If you find any issues with this release, please let us know by filing a bug report in our Bug Tracker. We’d also like to encourage you to stay connected with the community.
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