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Link .Net Core MVC Social Network System

Script Link .Net Core MVC Social Network System 1.0.0 Nulled

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Password: ADMIN

Today we have moved towards a more socially connected society. The usage of Social Media today is growing faster than any before. It’s spanning from socializing with friends to an involvement between the persons inside the companies and institutions. Social Media is a powerful tool for user engagement. Social Media has been used for service evaluation and understanding the user need. In addition, it is used by many companies to get their customer feedback and suggestions to build a better product or service, or for improving on some product and services. Furthermore, many companies today use Social Media to enhance the communication and collaboration between their employees who geographically distributed.

Public Social Media such as Facebook, Google and Twitter become the primary way to user involvement. However, there is still a privacy concern with these public Social Media services. Public Social Networks today have more power than any government. They can know everything about us, what we like, dislike, our secret conversation, how we feel, what we, and who we talk.

Link is a social network used to improve the collaboration, and communication between a groups of people. It allows them to interact, socialize, share and consume information, thoughts and ideas. In addition, it combines individuals into specific groups like a neighborhood subdivision. Link provides an opportunity for the community such as high school, universities, institutions, governments, non-government institution and others to engage. It also contains many features used to facilitate user interaction and collaboration. Some of these features include: posting, comment on the post, real-time chat session, voting, user profile, and focusing groups.

Link has developed with Microsoft modern technology stack, using core. The ASP.NET Core is a free, open-source and cloud optimized web framework which can run on Windows, Linux, or Mac. Link come with full source code, so you can customize the source code and use it as starter project.

What you will get is
  1. Full Source code, including everything
  2. Full Database
  3. Documentation guide including Business, User and Technical.
  4. Screenshots, and all images
Development Requirements
  1. PC/Laptop
  2. Visual Studio 2017 Community Edition (FREE)
  3. MS SQL Express Edition (FREE)
  4. .NET Core 2.0 or above
  5. MS IIS 7/8 or above
  6. ASP.NET Core
  7. MVC 2.0 or above
  8. Cup of coffee☕
Our Future Plan
  1. Peer-to-peer video, and audio calls using webrtc. (✔)
  2. Improving the mobile view (✔)
  3. Upgrading the framework from 2.0 to 2.2 .net core and upgrade others css and js library (Next version ) ⏳
  4. Add Link Preview feature (Next version ) ⏳
  5. Add @mention feature (Next version ) ⏳
  6. Improving user profile ex: there will be accepted /rejected followers’ feature, and follow back feature.
  7. Add some gamification features
  8. Improve the admin page
  9. Improve the search
  10. Multiple Language Support
  11. Add some of AI feature
  12. Improve the performance
  13. Application integration
  14. Thinking with a new features and improvements
46.8 MB
First release
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