- Compatible XF Versions
- 2.1
- 2.2
Simplicity Lite is a crisp, beautiful light style for Xenforo 2 forum. Simplicity features an elegant, soft color palette with one-click full width mode and easy color change!
Our free themes are also compatible with many of the most popular Xenforo 2 addons. Create amazing article CMS layouts with XenPorta 2 Featured Threads, build beautiful galleries with Xenforo Media Gallery, or sell products using DragonByte Tech Ecommerce. Simplicity is designed to look seamless no matter which addons your forum requires. Check out the screenshots to see different page layouts in action!
- Fully Responsive
- Tested with over 60 Xenforo 2 addons
- Compatible with XenPorta 2 Portal (requires separate purchase)
- Full support for Xenforo Media Gallery & Resource Manager (requires separate purchase)
- Looks beautiful with DragonByte Tech Ecommerce (requires separate purchase)
- Floating content or boxed layout
- Easy to change color palette
- Google fonts
- Logo Photoshop PSD
- Dozens of additional settings