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Signature Once

xF2 Add-on Signature Once 2.0.8

No permission to download
  • Fix: Hide signature flag is set in \XF\Entity\UserOption instead of \XF\Entity\UserProfile (#56)
  • Fix: Since 2.0.6, conversation message signatures are always shown (#53)
  • Change: Use templater_macro_post_render to reset signature visibility status (#55)
  • Change: Use templater_macro_pre_render over template modification to force hide user signature (#50)
  • Fix: Template error: [E_WARNING] foreach() argument must be of type array|object, null given (#51)
  • Fix: Incompatibility with XenForo 2.3 (#46)
  • Fix: ErrorException: [E_DEPRECATED] Implicit conversion from float 1799.9865641593933 to int loses precision src/addons/TickTackk/SignatureOnce/XF/Service/User/ContentChange.php:37 (#48)
  • Fix: Execution order of code event listener does not match that of resource ID (#49)
  • Fix: Incompatibility with Live Content add-on (#44)
  • Fix: Showing posts via "Show" link results in template errors being logged (#42)
  • Fix: Marking post as solution results template error being logged (#41)
  • Fix: Calculating current page fails when showing conversation once per page (#38)
  • Fix: Deleting user does not register queries properly (#39)
  • Fix: Rebuilding conversation or thread first content record causes MySQL exception to be logged due to invalid query (#34)
  • Fix: Rebuilding conversation first content record fails miserably due to reference to wrong table (#35)
  • New: Rewrite the add-on to not make use of sub-queries and implement handler system (#30)
  • Change: Rename options to have tck prefix (#29)
  • Change: Increase PHP minimum requirement to PHP 7.4 (#30)
  • Change: Increase XenForo minimum version requirement to 2.2 (#30)
  • Change: Execution order of class extensions and template modifications does not match of resource id at (#22)
  • Fix: Incompatible with XenForo 2.2.x (#17)
  • Fix: "Show user's signature once per conversation" option is not respected (#18)
  • Fix: Current page not being calculated correctly when adding last message of conversation (#19)
  • Fix: Signature once status is not respected after adding message using quick reply (#20)
  • Fix: Inline editing message does not set show signature status correctly (#21)
  • Misc: General code clean up

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