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[rellect] Reply Ban Plus

xF1 Add-on [rellect] Reply Ban Plus 1.2.0

No permission to download
"Reply Ban" is a new functionality introduced in xeforo 1.4.0 (hence the minimum required xf version for this addon is 1.4.0).
This functionality allows you to ban members from replying to a specific thread, for various reasons (spam, offensive messages, and such).

Reply Ban Plus

This addon extends and improves the Reply Ban functionality, making it easier to use, as will be described below.
  1. Ban multiple members at once
    The current implementation allows to ban only a single user each time.
    With 'Reply Ban Plus' you will be able quickly ban multiple members in one action, saving you a lot of time.


  2. Quickly Ban From a Post
    With 'Reply Ban Plus' you have a link to give a reply ban in the post itself, no need to traveling in the page. Click, set the ban length and you're done, the user is successfully reply banned.


  3. Quickly Lift Ban From a Post
    And for making the previous option even better, you also have a link in the post to quickly lift a reply ban. This is helpful in case of mistakes or if you believe the user waited enough and it's okay to lift the ban sooner.
    In addition, this also can be used as indicator. If you'll see a "lift" link instead of the "ban" link, you'll know that this user is banned.


  4. Allow users to give reply ban in their own threads
    New permission to give users the option to reply ban in their own threads only. Reduce reports from users by letting them more control over their own threads.
    * This is also a per forum permission. You can enable this permission in specific forums only if needed.


  5. Protect users/usergroups from being reply banned
    Feature number #4 introduced an option to allow users to reply ban in their own threads, but they should not be allowed to ban anyone they want.
    This new permission will allow you to define which users or usergroups cannot be reply banned.
    * This is also a per forum permission. You can define different value per forum.

10.9 KB
First release
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