Register email

xF2 Add-on Register email 3.9

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Fixed issue dealing with manually creating a new user and creating a server error log.​
Now works with XF v2.0 and v2.1.​
Requires XF v2.1 or newer.​
The registration username is now shown first.​
Now runs only by Cron entry every 10 minutes. I suggest uninstalling any previous version and deleting the Andy/RegisterEmail folder before installing this latest version.

Be sure to update the Options page with your access key from

1) Fixed issue dealing with IP address and location in the email.
2) Fixed issue dealing with new member link.
Added ability to send emails to staff even if "Enable manual approval" is disabled.​
Fix issue dealing with members changing their email address.​
Corrects issue regarding sending emails when a member updates their email. Also fixed issue dealing with custom user fields where those that are not shown during registration were being included.​
Improved formatting of email.​
Added two links to the email and fixed a formatting issue dealing with custom user fields.​
mosesnoblexLatest member