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xF1 Unmaintained Profile Posts with BB Codes 2.0

No permission to download
Compatible XF Versions
  1. 1.3
  2. 1.4
  3. 1.5
## About

As of XenForo 1.4, posts in profile pages are limited to text-only. That's unfortunate because I know for a fact that my members love using BB Codes to interact with each other on their profile pages (or share visitor messages as it was stilled called in vBulletin). To me, it just makes these pages look more interesting and interactive.

## What this add-on does

This add-on will allow you to enable BB Codes in posts on your profile page. Depending on the settings, your users will be able to use text markups, post images or YouTube videos.

Your custom BB Codes are supported.

Smilies are back in town and can be used instead of their text representation. :)

Lastly, you can enable independently BB Code settings for your users' status messages - although here I would restrict the BB Codes to basic text markup and smilies.

## Installation

This add-on was tested to be compatible with XF 1.4 or later. Earlier versions are _not_ officially supported. XF prior 1.2 would most certainly not work with it.

Install this add-on and configure the settings in home->options->profile & status BB code.

## FAQ

Q: When I update my status on my profile page, the status under my name doesn't show parsed BB code until I refresh the screen.

A: This is a cosmetic issue visible only to you (the user changing the status) until you refresh your screen. The updated status line is refreshed through Javascript (quick_reply_profile.js) the first time, and it would require a modification of that file to remedy the issue.

Q: I want to migrate from vB and keep all the BB Codes in existing visitor messages. How can I do this?

A: You will need to apply a small patch to the Importer script to prevent it from stripping the BB Code (obviously before you migrate):

In library/XenForo/Importer/vBulletin.php


'message' => $parser->render($this->_convertToUtf8($vm['pagetext'])),

Replace it with

'message' => $this->_convertToUtf8($vm['pagetext']),
222.7 KB
First release
Last update

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