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xF1 Unmaintained Post Macros 4.3.2

No permission to download
Compatible XF Versions
  1. 1.2
  2. 1.3
  3. 1.4
  4. 1.5
Post Macros is an add-on that emulates the Lithium macros feature - it allows you to specify pre-defined replies to threads, and then insert them with a few clicks.

The macros are inserted using ajax, so no refresh is needed.

All public text is defined through phrases, and as such are easily editable (and/or translatable).

This addon will save you time - how often do you find yourself writing the same things in threads, or in replies to threads?

This add-on also has a feature called staff macros. This allows anyone with permission to create a 'staff macro'. Anyone with permission will then be able to view and use that macro, and another permission allows them to edit it.

Only the creator of the staff macro will be able to remove the staff macro flag or delete the macro.

As well as that, any admin with permission can define 'Admin Macros'. These are global macros, that all users in the usergroup(s) defined with the admin macro can use.

You can specify which forum(s) macros can be used in.

There is a highly fine-grained permissions system for this add-on, so you can control who can use macros.
You can demo this add-on at XF Liam - XenForo Add-On Development - you must be logged in to use macros.
  • xenforo.com_community_data_attachments_112_112352_af8206831db83b8c691bf16a67280e32.jpg
60.6 KB
First release
Last update

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