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WP Porto 7.4.3 Nulled

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+ Added: Compatibility with WooCommerce 9.7 RC<br>+ Added: Compatibility with WPBakery Page Builder 8.2<br>+ Added: WOFF2 font support for Simple Line Icons<br>- Fixed: Minor PHP warning in inc/functions/woo-actions/single-product.php
+ Added: Compatibility with WooCommerce v9.6
- Updated: Porto Conditional Rendering System by adding a current url condition
- Fixed: minor style issue on Admin Customizer panel
- Fixed: minor js issue after loading Porto One Page Category element by Ajax
- Dev: Added "porto_enqueue_after_internal_css" action in porto_after_internal_css function
+ Added: Compatibility with Elementor 3.26.0 beta version
+ Added: Compatibility with WooCommerce 9.5.0 rc version
- Updated: WPBakery Page Builder plugin to v8.0.1
- Updated: Revolution Slider plugin to v6.7.23
- Fixed: Custom Resources Preload not working properply in Porto Speed Optimize wizard
- Fixed: A compatibility issue with YITH WooCommerce Ajax Product Filter Premium plugin on ajax pagination
- Fixed: Products with different visibility properties not displaying properply with Porto Posts Grid element
- Fixed: The "Post Content" Dynamic Tags field in Porto Elementor widgets is now operational on Single Porto Builder preview pages
- Fixed: Multi-language not working properply in Porto Theme Options panel
- Fixed: Loaded text domain in init action for Porto functionality plugin
- Dev: Added "porto_posts_grid_query_args" filter for filtering query args in Porto Posts Grid element
- Updated: Slider Revolution plugin to version 6.7.20<br>- Updated: Performance of the Porto Chart Price filter widget by optimizing query and implementing a caching feature<br>- Fixed: Language switcher functionality for AJAX actions not working when the WooCommerce plugin is not installed<br>- Fixed: Vulnerability in the AJAX Quick View, ensuring it only displays public products<br>- Fixed: PHP error occurring after selecting Porto predefined colors in the Theme Options &gt; Skin &gt; Colors<br>- Fixed: Issue with product variation rendering in the single product builder’s linked products widget<br>- Fixed: Issue where product variation images did not render if no featured image was assigned in cross-sells and up-sells<br>- Fixed: Removed Dynamic Featured Image plugin from the plugins list due to its removal from the WordPress repository<br>- Fixed: Minor console error in the admin's theme options panel<br>- Fixed: Rendering issue for "Infinite Scroll" pagination type in the Porto posts grid widget on "Slider" view
+ Added: Compatibility with Elementor 3.24
- Fixed: Custom post types not importing for Law Firm 2 and IT Services demos
+ Added: Compatibility with WPBakery Page Builder plugin version 7.9<br>+ Added: "rel" attribute to the "Next" and "Previous" buttons in the shop page pagination for SEO<br>- Updated: Language files<br>- Fixed: Optimization issues when rendering Porto Elementor Blocks<br>- Fixed: CSS rendering issues related to post type builder when using Dynamic Tags in Porto blocks<br>- Fixed: Plural text display issue in multilingual setups<br>- Fixed: Issue with the "Save" button not functioning on the Blog page within the WPBakery backend editor<br>- Fixed: Minor PHP issue in woocommerce/myaccount/form-login.php
+ Added: Compatibility with WooCommerce 9.2-beta1
- Updated: Enhanced the Porto products filter element to display the price symbol consistently within price steps
- Updated: Improved compatibility with the WooCommerce Currency Switcher plugin in the Porto products filter element
- Updated: Removed VisualComposer plugin in the recommended plugins list of Porto Setup Wizard
- Fixed: Resolved a PHP error in the Porto products filter element when products are priced below 1
- Fixed: Addressed style issues with the RGBA color picker's alpha attribute input box in both WPBakery Backend and Frontend editors
- Fixed: Corrected the persistence of WooCommerce block styles after enabling the "Disable WooCommerce Gutenberg Blocks & YITH Blocks" option in the Porto speed optimization wizard
- Fixed: Made the Tel Input type style editable in the WPBakery Porto Contact Form element
- Fixed: Rectified the positioning issue of the Porto icon element when utilized in the header builder
- Fixed: Adjusted the style of the "Order Again" button on the My Account -> Orders page
- Fixed: Resolved the positioning issue of the Wishlist Offcanvas popup
+ Added: Compatibility with WPBakery 7.8
- Updated: WPBakery Page Builder plugin to version 7.8
- Fixed: Compatibility issues with the Popup Maker plugin in the Type Builder widget
- Fixed: Porto templates builder widgets not loading after accessing "Site Settings" in the Elementor page editor
- Fixed: Various WPML compatibility issues in page meta boxes
- Fixed: PHP issues arising when salt keys do not exist
- Fixed: "Load More" button malfunctioning on shop pages after filtering products via AJAX
- Fixed: Z-index conflicts on the shop page when using "Wishlist Offcanvas" alongside the "Filter Toggle Sticky Bar"
- Fixed: RTL style inconsistencies in the "Wishlist Offcanvas"
- Fixed: Image gallery types not loading correctly on single product builder pages
- Fixed: Minor PHP warnings
- Fixed: Product limit issues with Porto products shortcodes when an empty value is provided
+ Added: Compatibility with WooCommerce 9.1.x
+ Added: Compatibility with the WooCommerce Variation Swatches premium plugin
+ Added: A new theme option under "Porto -> Theme Options -> WooCommerce -> Product Image & Zoom -> Thumbnails Image Width" to update the thumbnails image width in the single product page
- Updated: Revolution Slider plugin to version 6.7.15
- Updated: The default count to be set with the correct value for the "shop products count" element in shop pages built with the shop builder
- Updated: The "shop_single", "shop_catalog" and "shop_thumbnail" image sizes to the WooCommerce default image sizes
- Fixed: Compatibility issues with the latest version of the Yith WooCommerce Wishlist plugin
- Fixed: Compatibility issues with the latest version of the Yith WooCommerce Compare plugin
- Fixed: Compatibility issues with the latest version of the YITH WooCommerce Minimum Maximum Quantity Premium plugin
- Fixed: Remaining value calculation error on the free shipping progress bar
- Fixed: An issue where full-sized images were used for thumbnails on the single product page
- Fixed: An issue where the menu arrow icon was not clickable on the sidebar menu on tablet devices
- Fixed: Minor CSS issues when showing flags

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