Nulled Scripts Community

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+ NEW: Ocean Demo
+ NEW: SaaS PRO Demo
+ NEW: Monster Demo
+ NEW: Monster Light Demo
+ NEW: Fancy Pro Demo
+ NEW: Elementor Widget "Horizontal Timeline"
+ UPDATE: Theme and Plugin Translation file.
+ UPDATE: Show a warning on WHMCS Domain Registration page if the TLD is not available.
+ UPDATE: Unlock WHMCS Module Activation with Incompatible WHMCS Versions.
+ UPDATE: WHMCS Template
+ UPDATE: Phox_templates module to v2.3.2
+ UPDATE: Phox-Hosting plugin to v2.0.1
+ UPDATE: Slider Revolution to v6.7.29
+ FIXED: Save Changes message on Phox Admin Panel
+ FIXED: Uploading fonts Media Error
+ DOCS: Elementor Widget "Horizontal Timeline"
+ NEW: Casual Demo
+ NEW: Space PRO Demo
+ UPDATE: Improve PHOX WordPress Theme CSS Files Structure
+ FIXED: Resolved the issue with the function load_textdomain just_in_time being called incorrectly, ensuring proper handling of text domain loading.
+ UPDATE: Added a safeguard to prevent the theme from loading if the PHP version is below 8.0, addressing the parse error: syntax error, unexpected ':' issue. Users are prompted to update their PHP version for compatibility.
+ UPDATE: WHMCS Template "Phox" and Orderofrm "Phox" to WHMC V8.12.0
+ UPDATE: WHMCS Module "phox_templates" to v2.3.0
+ UPDATE: WHMCS Template Pages Design
+ UPDATE: WHMCS Template Domain Details Page Design
+ UPDATE: WHMCS Template Domain Register Page Design
+ UPDATE: WHMCS Template Network Status Page Design
+ UPDATE: WHMCS Template Affiliate Page Design
+ UPDATE: WHMCS Module "Phox Templates" PHP Compatability with WHMCS V8.11.1
+ UPDATE: WHMCS Module "Phox Templates" to v2.2.3
+ NEW: WHMCS Homepage Template [Modern]
+ NEW: WHMCS Three Layouts
+ NEW: WHMCS Layout Manager
+ NEW: WHMCS User Profile Picture
+ NEW: WHMCS Icons Logos
+ NEW: WHMCS Options to Hide/show Icons on Menu
+ UPDATE: Improve WHMCS Template Pages Design
+ UPDATE: WHMCS Module "Phox Templates" to v2.1.5
+ UPDATE: Phox-Hosting plugin to v1.9.6
+ FIXED: Mega Menu Auto Resize For Mobile and Tablet
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Reactions: cutoboy
+ NEW: Theme Compatability With PHP v8
+ NEW: Elementor Domain Widget Integration with GoDaddy Reseller Store
+ UPDATE: Phox-Hosting plugin to v1.9.0
+ UPDATE: WHMCS Module "Phox Templates" to v2.1.1
+ UPDATE: WHMCS Template to v8.7.3 (No changes in the template or order form)
+ FIXED: Elementor Countdown Error when time expired.
+ FIXED: WHMCS MarketConnect Link in Menu
+ DOCS: How To Use Godaddy Reseller Store With Domain Widget
We are always proactive in preventing security issues, however nobody can assume they will never come up.
This is why we highly recommend to stay up to date with each new theme version and plugins.

Changelog - Version 2.2.7 - 18 May 2023
+ NEW: WHMCS Menu Manager
+ UPDATE: WHMCS Module "Phox Templates" to v2.1.0
+ UPDATE: WHMCS Template & Orderform to v8.7.2 - WHMCS Phox v2.1.0
+ UPDATE: Phox-Hosting plugin to v1.8.8
+ UPDATE: Slider Revolution to v6.6.13
+ FIXED: Theme Builder conflict with Polylang Plugin
+ DOCS: WHMCS Menu Manager
+ DOCS: How to Update WHMCS Template, orderform, and module.
+ NEW: Classy PRO Demo
+ NEW: Elementor Domain Widget Options
+ UPDATE: Phox-Hosting plugin to v1.8.7
+ UPDATE: Slider Revolution to v6.6.12
+ UPDATE: WHMCS Template & Orderform to v8.7.1
+ UPDATE: Compatibility with WordPress v6.2
+ FIXED: Popup condition warring message if the popup is not used
+ FIXED: Fonts Warning message

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