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Script PayMoney 4.3.1 Nulled

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Improvement: Standard Merchant payment
Improvement: Express Merchant payment
Improvement: Date Range picker improve on filtering data
Improvement: CSV & PDF download of Datatable
Improvement: CSS & JS plugin & libraries improve
Bug Fixing: Crypto Receive PDF Sender & Receiver id issue fix
Feature: Crypto Token Feature Added
Feature: TRC-20 Token Deployment from admin panel
Feature: TRC-20 Token Send Receive from admin panel
Feature: TRC-20 Token Send Receive from user panel
Improvement: Landing page design update to add new block for crypto currency
Bug Fixing: Transaction list sender & receiver id fix
Bug Fixing: Version upgrade item id missing issue fix
Bug Fixing: PayPal Live mood issue fix
Bug Fixing: Crypto send receive api add for Mobile app

Improvement: Crypto asset create endpoint adjust
Improvement: QrCode scanning issue for Dark mode
Improvement: Auto Updater page design issue
Feature: Privacy Page Added
Improvement: Removed Unnecessary Tags
Improvement: A new design applied to user dashboard and frontend.
Improvement: Translation Updated
Improvement: Custom Page Dark Mode Support
Improvement: Cancel Button Add in Express Merchant Payment
Improvement: Removed Unnecessary Files and Directories and Functions
Improvement: Settings Menu Renamed to Verifications
Improvement: Image Path Refactored in Api
Bug Fixing: Merchant Button Link Redirect Issue Fix
Bug Fixing: Merchant Section Available in User Issue Fix
Bug Fixing: Menu Hover Issue Fix
Bug Fixing: Pages Responsive Issue Fix
Bug Fixing: Fixed and issue of profile page localizations
Bug Fixing: Fixed an issue of each user dispute status badge color
Bug Fixing: Fixed an issue of merchant payment menu is not active

Improvement: PHP version support upgraded to 8
Improvement: Bootstrap version is upgraded to 5
Improvement: Crypto currency conversion rate api is added
Improvement: Language translation and text upgraded
Improvement: Different css and js files optimized and minified
Improvement: Different helper functions applied for code optimization and reusability
Improvement: Unnecessary junk code and comments erased
  • Bug Fixing: Fixed and issue of files exist check for logos
  • Bug Fixing: Fixed an issue of reCaptcha positioning style in login and regisration
  • Bug Fixing: Fixed an issue of bank file validation, custom validation added
  • Improvement: PHP version support upgraded to 8
  • Improvement: BlockIo version upgraded to 3, compitable with PHP 8
  • Improvement: Crypto currency conversion rate api is added
  • Improvement: Admin login page, password reset page and logo responsiveness improved
  • Improvement: Language translation and text upgraded
  • Improvement: Different css and js files optimized and minified
  • Improvement: Different helper functions applied for code optimization and reusability
  • Improvement: Unnecessary junk code and comments erased
  • Improvement: Payer and PayUmoney integration updated
Bug Fixing: Fixed an issue wrong email templates of money withdrawn by system administrator
Bug Fixing: Fixed an issue of decimal places in crypto withdrawal list amount
Bug Fixing: Fixed an issue of deposit month value

Improvement: New home page (landing page) design implemented with light and dark version
Improvement: Coinpayment min amount error and api key permission message display
Improvement: Company name cached so every time it will not call from database
Improvement: Firstname lastname - characters limit to 30, url or any special character will not be allowed
Improvement: File extension and size validation updated for Ticket and Dispute (only allowed JPG, JPEG, PNG, GIF, PDF, DOCX)
Improvement: middleware updated so that any malicious script couldn't pass through the request
Improvement: AddonManager updated for specific message error message display
Improvement: Different helper functions applied for code optimization and reusability

New Features: BlockIo added for crypto Send/Receive via address
New Features: Each user have their crypto address during the registration & Admin or User can send crypto via their address wallet
New Feature: New landing Home page added with light and dark version
Bug Fixing: Fixed an issue during currency update, currency logo changed to default logo
Bug Fixing: Fixed an issue during intallation, default currency rate should be 1.
Bug Fixing: Fixed an issue with the language, in front-end request page text
Bug Fixing: Fixed an issue when send/requesting money to unregistered user
Bug Fixing: Fixed an issue when user make exchange and the exchange to currency is set to api
Bug Fixing: Fixed an issue of multiple payout settings with the same email
Bug Fixing: Fixed an issue of the user group update, permissions aren't diplayed as selected
Bug Fixing: Fixed an issue in Revenue list, Exchange From fees added.
Bug Fixing: Fixed an issue with the coinpayment, which arising an error during confirmation
Bug Fixing: Fixed an issue of 2fa verification via google 2fa authenticator

Improvement: is reintegrated with webhook, so customer can easily make it configured and functional ( removed)
Improvement: Twillio can process now more than 1600 characters
Improvement: Payout Setting backend validation added
Improvement: When admin changes payout status from pending to success, email/sms sent to the user.
Improvement: In payout cancellation (by admin), money+fees will be refunded to the user wallet
Improvement: In transaction details sender & recevier's email/phone displayed besides name
Improvement: Send mail/sms to user when admin deposit or payout for user
Improvement: Admin can choose which default country code will be selected during user registration
Improvement: User can not input more than 8 decimal in the amount section during send/request
Improvement: In registration, instead of inserting random country to user profile, based on phone number carrier code, country will be set as user profile. Other wise default country will be set to the user country.
Improvement: Security improved for form data request.
Improvement: Remove junk files and folders.
Bug Fixing: Fixed an issue with user name search filter in admin transactions, admin transfers & admin request money panel
Bug Fixing: Fixed an issue with admin email notifications not sending to correct language
Bug Fixing: Fixed an issue with system default timezone not setting correctly during user registration

Improvement: Social Icons in footer will now show only those admin has set; not all

New Features: CryptoCurrencies ( -
New Features: Twilio SMS Gateway (except - signup verification)

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