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WP Noor 6.0.39 Nulled

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Fix: WPML issue with the customizer.
Fix: Elementor inherit line-height.
Added: New elementor demo.
Support: GiveWP Plugin.
- FIX: PHP issue with WordPress 5.9.
- FIX: UI on Event post with map.
- FIX: PHP 8.0 issue with load screen.
NEW : WooCommerce 4.3 compatibility.

FIX : Slick Slider center mode.

FIX : Sidebar dynamic width.

FIX : Portfolio now works with one column.

FIX : fix the glitch on the dropdown.

FIX : quantity button on the cart page after updating the cart now buttons are showing.

UPDATE : Noor Assistant and SR Plugin.
IMPROVEMENT: section shape CSS.

IMPROVEMENT: Now your page will add scrollspy.js with a one-page menu.

FIXED: Various PHP 7.4 notices.

FIXED: Portfolio filters with Firefox.

FIXED: Design of Contact form 7 notification.

FIXED: Related Post spacer.

FIXED: wishlist cart.

FIXED: Content on center on the row.

FIXED: Installing Minimal blog demo.

FIXED: BbPress login form widget, Admin bar, Edit topic, notification.

SUPPORT: Support the new BuddyPress 6.0.0

IMPROVEMENT: Footer copyright now accepts auto-update year.

ADDED: New option to active/active scroll bar with vertical menu.

Update: javascript dependency.

IMPROVEMENT: Menu Cart now has a fancy scrollbar.
- Support PHP 7.4
- Improve closed comments check if post support comments.
- Improve Event widget.
- Improve & redesign single event layout.
- FIXED Padding on event single Page.
- ADDED Event Settings ( Page layout, logo settings, Header style... ).
- Support WooCommerce 3.9.2
- FIXED Variable product design.
- FIXED Padding on event single page with comments on.
- FIXED Calendar widget.
- FIXED Hide burger menu from mobile now is working.
- Improve Featured event design.
- Improve events map view.
- ADDED Call to action into mobile menu.
New: Language switcher on customizer (Now you can switch from different languages of your website directly from the customizer)
New: Option for single post layout.
Improve: For WPML and Polylang and Noor.
Improve: Customizer options display.
Improve: Customizer color picker.
Improve: Customizer elements organizations.
Improve: Font size You can use any unit ( em-rem-px-% ...)
Improve: Font size / Color change instent using customizer.
Improve: Expand the Latest Posts page when user opened the "Latest Posts" section in Customizer.
Improve: Expand Portfolio page when user opens the "Portfolio home" section in Customizer.
Improve: Font-display in google fonts.
Add: Support for WooCommerce Variation Swatches.
Add: Font search option.
Add: Option Letter Spacing for the body font.
Add: Customizer Option to Hide/Show author name on the blog post.
Fix: WooCommerce product variable image.
Fix: Order by price EDD issue.
Fix: Portfolio home page with no posts.
Update: WPBakery Page Builder 6.0.2
Update: Noor assistant.

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