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MonsterTools: The All-in-One SEO & Web Toolkit

Script MonsterTools: The All-in-One SEO & Web Toolkit 3.1.0 Nulled

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### Updated
# The MonsterTools now handle the mail with PHP Mail.
# Updated Domain Authority MOZ drvier to new version.
# Laravel upgraded to version 11.31.0 along with other package updates

### Fixed
# Fixed admin panel not showing alert on Advanced settings.
# Fixed the installer issues.
# Fixed admin panel user management issues.
# Fixed social login/register issues & assigned default user role.
# Fixed some issues with user role and permissions.
# Fixed 500 error on admin widgets.
# Fixed Fake Address generater showing error on USA and UK results.
# Fixed minimal theme outdated templates.
# Fixed minimal theme icons.
# Fixed minimal themes incompatibilities.
# Fixed minimal theme button active color.
# Fixed webhook URL for payment gateways.
# Some minor bug fixes.
### Requirements
# Minimum requirement for PHP version is PHP 8.1 or higher.

### Notice
# Please update your software to this latest version to ensure your system's security.

### Security & Vulnerability
# Resolved security vulnerability that allowed users to upload executable files.

### Introducing
# Introducing top end cache system to boost website performance.
# New payment gateway Paddle.
# Added HTML widget.
# Added adblock detection.
# New Tool WEBP to PNG converter added.
# New Tool PNG to WEBP converter added.
# New Tool Random Number Generator added.
# New Tool Word Counter added.
# New Tool Lorem Ipsum Generator added.
# New Tool UUID Generator added.
# New Tool Email address validator added.
# Added new Driver for PDF to Excel.
# Added new Driver for PDF to Powerpoint.

### Improvements
# Improved user invoice system.
# Toasts will now autohide after 3 seconds.
# Performance optimization and more.
# Page editor will now expand to a limited height.
# Favicon Generator tool added individual file download option.
# Improved PDF invoice.
# Enforced file extension restrictions for uploads.
# Error pages will now show the static messages instead of exceptions.

### Added
# Added new error pages for 419 and 503 errors.
# A new option has been added to require users to register/login before using the tools.
# Added new billing fields for compliance.
# Added bulk actions in manage tools.
# Added a message when update completes successfully.
# Added new action in Settings > Advance to clear temporary uploads.

### Fixed
# Fixed an issue where file uploads with invalid filenames were causing errors.
# Fixed chrome browser compatibility issues on PDF file actions.
# Validation rules added to several PDF tools.
# Fixed 500 error on an invalid tool driver.
# Double logo issue fixed on invoices.
# Fixed Google Cache Checker tool not working issue.
# Fixed the issue of image compressor download all.
# Fixed the error with the image to PDF tool.
# Fixed duplicate title in metadata.
# On page and post editor fixed nofollow and external links not working issue.
# Resolved the error with PayPal showing during a successful transaction.
# Updated Stripe API to the latest version.
# Added Stripe native card element.
# Added Support of Stripe 3DS and 3DS2.
# Fixed the canonical URL issue.
# Page editor external link rel issue fixed.
# Fixed nav menu active link text not visible.
# Fixed styling issue on form validation.
# Fixed ads subscription invoice 500 error.
# Fixed watermark PDF not showing PDF preview issue.
# Fixed 500 error issue on check for updates.
# Fixed watermark 500 error when processing multiple files.
# Several minor bug fixes.

### Updated
# Laravel has been upgraded to v10.31.0 and other packages.

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