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Modern Events Calendar

WP Modern Events Calendar 7.13.0 Nulled

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  • Added: GDPR compliance to send other email notifications after email verification
  • Added: Option to remove an event after last day of event
  • Added: Dropdown input for tags
  • Added: EventRescheduled status
  • Added: Auto scroll to the message after event submission in frontend event submission
  • Improved: The event maintenance feature by adding repeating events
  • Improved: Accessibility in some parts
  • Improved: The security of Frontend Event Submission
  • Improved: The event title per occurrence
  • Fixed: Some icon issues
  • Fixed: Issue in CSV and Excel export
  • Fixed: SQL error
  • Fixed: Issue in PayPal Express and MEC Cart
  • Fixed: Issue in loading new events
  • Fixed: Issue in event description placeholder
  • Fixed: Some PHP errors
  • Fixed: Event display issue in modern & clean style of monthly skin
- Added: Booking button to all skins and ability to open the booking button in modal window (pro)
- Added: An ability to change subject and content of notifications per event (pro)
- Added: %%book_datetime%% placeholder to show book date and time together (pro)
- Improved: The %%book_date%% and %%book_time%% placeholders (pro)
- Hide: Subtotal in WooCommerce checkout for orders created by MEC (pro)
- Fixed: Number of attendees in added bookings from backend (pro)
- Fixed: Showing times of same day events in some situations
- Fixed: Expired events and “Show only one Occurrence option”
- Fixed: Showing an invalid sold out label (pro)
- Fixed: SEO Schema
- Compatibility: WordPress 5.2.2
- Added: advanced repeat type.
- Added: Speaker name to notifications
- Added: Functions to display widgets separately (For using in custom single event page)
- Added: do_action('mec_{skin_name}_skin_head'); at top of each shortcode
- Added: M.E. Calendar blocks to make it compatible with WordPress Block editor
- Added: Change settings styling to tabs
- Fixed: Page not scrolled to booking section when the button is clicked
- Fixed: Speaker popup in Divi theme
- Fixed: Display speakers in modal view
- Fixed: W3 validation for shortcodes
- Fixed: Full calendar search form
- Fixed: Sticky in settings
- Fixed: saving issue of categorized setting options in backend.
- Fixed: Some minor issues

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