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[MMO] Core Library

xF2 Add-on [MMO] Core Library 2.2.7

No permission to download
Fix incorrect id in user upgrade option
Add new payment profile option
Add Masks a portion of a string with a repeated character.
Add helper for html
Add helper Get the first item in the collection, but only if exactly one item exists. Otherwise, throw an exception.
Add helper for Determine if a given string starts with a given substring
Sort collections by key when given a string even when key is callable
Add Uncountable word forms
Adds a few PHP 8.1 related changes
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Reactions: Darkness
Min php ver 7.3
Provides a trait, when applied to a class, makes it possible to add methods to that class at runtime
Add support for plural phrases
The message supports two different types of pluralization rules:
  • interval
  • indexed
Use global namespace
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Reactions: SirJacky
Add Pluralization phrases. In the future, it is planned to support conditions in phrases.
Added the ability to create the following options:
  • multiple select usergroups
  • custom fields: contact, preferences and personal
  • multiple select user upgrade
Small refactor
Add helper functions for String and Array

jajacaraujoLatest member