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MarketKing Ultimate Multi Vendor

WP MarketKing Ultimate Multi Vendor 1.4.0 Nulled

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New Features:
- Added 'Store Categories' module, allowing you to organize vendors by custom defined categories:
Store Categories - MarketKing

- Added setting that allows existing users to apply for a vendor account
(setting in MarketKing -> Settings -> Registration)
- Added option for admin to receive all tax
- Tax now visible to vendors in orders table when vendor receives tax
- Improvements to profile icons in bars and messages

- Fix for [marketking_vendors_list] shortcode
- Fixed product import issue with SKU
- Update with fix for Coupon creation in latest WooCommerce 6.9.4 version

Template changes:
- stores-list.php updated to 1.0.2 (adds support for store categories module)
- store-page.php updated to 1.1.5 (adds support for store categories module)
- sidebar.php (adds support for store categories module)
- profile-sidebar.php updated to 1.0.1 (improvements to profile icons)
- orders.php updated to 1.0.1 (adds support for tax options)
- header-bar.php updated to 1.0.2

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