[Improvement] Added "lost password confirm" as a do-not-cache page. [Improvement] Misc code improvements. [Bug Fix] Logged-in cookie is now cleared when a visitor is logged-out due to a session timeout. [Bug Fix] Visitors automatically logged-in from the "forgot my password" submission page are now correctly detected as non-guest visitors.
[Bug Fix] Csrf validation is now bypassed for 'AddReply' and 'PostThread' guest actions to avoid security errors when performing these actions from a cached page. (Applies to XF 2.2 'write before registering' feature)
[Improvement] Improved login state detection to prevent forum members who sign in with "Stay logged in" unchecked from being served by cache. (Rewrite rule update required) [Improvement] No longer cache "install" pages. (Rewrite rule update required) [Improvement] Improved return code checking to prevent caching non HTTP status 200 and 404 pages. (500 errors may still run into issues)
[Bug Fix] Csrf validation is now also bypassed for search and "Forgot your password?" requests to avoid security errors when making these requests from a cached page.
[Improvement] Improved detection of do-not-cache admin pages. [Update] Updated readme .htaccess rules to better handle possible login issues. [Bug Fix] Csrf validation is now bypassed for login and register requests to avoid security errors when making these requests from a cached page.
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