Lazy Load [img]

xF2 Add-on Lazy Load [img] 2.7.1

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  • Fix javascript error when quoting a post via the 'reply' button with XF2.2
  • Require php 7.2+
  • Require StandardLib 1.18.0+
  • Require XenForo 2.2+
  • Confirm XF2.3 compatibility
  • Prevent doubling images on selecting text/images under a spoiler & using quote/reply feature.
  • Requires php 7.0+
  • Require Standard Library by Xon
  • Rename various options to be consistantly named
  • Support XF2.2, various options now support disabling native XF2.2 native lazy loading
  • Fix possible race condition between lazysize library's configuration and native loading support being applied
  • Require XF2.1+, drop XF2.0 support
  • Update to lazysizes v5.2.0 from v5.1.2
Improve extending XF js to be better compatible with other add-ons
  • Update to lazysizes v5.1.2 from v4.1.4
  • Add style properties for lazyload/lazyloading/lazyloaded classes
  • Update to lazysizes v5.1.2 from v4.1.4
  • Add style properties for lazyload/lazyloading/lazyloaded classes
Add "blank SVG" option to allow customizing of the blank SVG template
  • Fix potential SVG rendering issue
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